RubyGems Navigation menu

hoe 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hoe

rdoc-data 4.1.0

Core ri data for use with RDoc 2.5 or newer. This gem is required to use ri from RDoc ...

225,888 下載

html5 0.10.0

A ruby implementation of the parsing algorithm in HTML5. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: == SYN...

215,465 下載

csspool-st 3.1.2

Fork of CSSPool. CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing...

214,492 下載

postgres 0.8.1

This is an old, deprecated version of the Ruby PostgreSQL driver that hasn't been maint...

211,703 下載

isolate 4.0.0

Isolate is a very simple RubyGems sandbox. It provides a way to express and automatical...

205,955 下載

mturk 1.10.1

This Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) SDK is no longer under active development as of 201...

204,086 下載

google-geocode 1.2.1

Map addresses to latitude and longitude with Google's Geocoder.

203,645 下載

nofxx-subtitle_it 0.7.7

description of gem

199,611 下載

vlad 2.7.1

Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

192,128 下載

png 1.2.1

PNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG without any C libraries.

191,359 下載

hoe-git 1.6.0

A set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. Provides tasks to automate release ta...

190,136 下載

pluto 1.3.4

pluto - Another Planet Generator (Lets You Build Web Pages from Published Web Feeds)

188,946 下載

logrotate 1.2.1

This package is a library of methods that perform log rotation on files and directorie...

182,825 下載

feed-normalizer 1.5.2

An extensible Ruby wrapper for Atom and RSS parsers. Feed normalizer wraps various RSS...

180,910 下載

ruby-opencv 0.0.18

ruby-opencv is a wrapper of OpenCV for Ruby. It helps you to write computer vision prog...

179,648 下載

tunecore_direct 0.1.1

Ruby SDK for TuneCore web services

171,100 下載

rutema 2.0.0

rutema []( rutema is ...

169,440 下載

rubygems-mirror 1.3.0

This is an update to the old `gem mirror` command. It uses net/http/persistent and thre...

168,326 下載

beerdb 1.2.2

beerdb - beer.db command line tool

167,542 下載

multiset 0.5.3

Unlike ordinary set(see Ruby documentation for "set" library), multiset can contain two...

166,715 下載

ruby-ogginfo 0.7.2

ruby-ogginfo gives you access to low level information on ogg files (bitrate, length, s...

165,757 下載

hoe-bundler 1.5.0

Generate a Gemfile based on a Hoe spec's declared dependencies.

163,599 下載

alfred-workflow 2.0.5

alfred-workflow is a ruby Gem helper for building [Alfred]( wo...

163,413 下載

warlley-subtitle_it 0.7.5

description of gem

160,638 下載

psych-shopifork 2.0.13

Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[

159,683 下載

kronk 1.9.6

Kronk is a command line swiss-army-knife for HTTP services. With Kronk, you easily par...

158,206 下載

fetcher 0.4.5

fetcher - Fetch Text Documents or Binary Blobs via HTTP, HTTPS

154,072 下載

worlddb 2.4.0

worlddb - world.db command line tool

150,502 下載

pluto-models 1.6.2

pluto-models - planet schema 'n' models for easy (re)use

147,493 下載

ruby_parser-legacy 1.0.0

ruby_parser-legacy includes the ruby 1.8 and 1.9 parsers from ruby_parser (now removed)...

140,891 下載

總下載次數 8,462,659

這個版本 168



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7, < 4

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 3.0
