RubyGems Navigation menu

hoeの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はhoeを必要としています

pikl 0.3.0

Pikl is an image librarry for JPEG, PNG and Bitmap.Pikl's API is designed to process th...

63,764 ダウンロード数

midas-guilded 0.3.0

Guilded is a framework for building web based components centered around current web st...

63,718 ダウンロード数

hoe-yard 0.1.3

A Hoe plugin for generating YARD documentation. Using the Hoe YARD plugin, projects ca...

63,468 ダウンロード数

engineyard-eycap 0.4.15

A bunch of useful recipes to help deployment to Engine Yard slices

63,356 ダウンロード数

hoe-deveiate 0.10.0

A collection of Rake tasks and utility functions I use to maintain my Open Source proje...

63,143 ダウンロード数

neo4j-java-driver 4.4.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

62,821 ダウンロード数

table_parser 0.7.2

Parsing table could be difficult when its structure contains colspan or rowspan. TableP...

62,380 ダウンロード数

gilenson 1.2.2

Обработчик типографских символов в HTML согласно общепринятым правилам. Посвящается П.Г...

61,658 ダウンロード数

klomp 1.0.8

Klomp is a simple [Stomp] messaging client that keeps your sanity intact. The purpose ...

61,013 ダウンロード数

iv-phonic 0.1.8

phonic is ruby binding for iv AST API

59,742 ダウンロード数

sportdb-models 2.1.0

sportdb-models - sport.db schema 'n' models for easy (re)use

58,778 ダウンロード数

autopage 0.0.12

A Rails Plugin to convert long text into multi tab page.

58,256 ダウンロード数

hoe-mercurial 1.4.1

This is a fork of the [hoe-hg]( plugin. I forked it b...

58,050 ダウンロード数

eaal 0.1.16

EAAL (Eve API Access Layer) is a ruby library for accessing data of the API of the game...

57,558 ダウンロード数

transparent_nil 0.1.21

Nil values can be quite annoying. TransparentNil defines some methods for +nil+ so nil ...

57,213 ダウンロード数

install_theme 0.8.2

Use any HTML template as a theme generator for your Rails app. Installs an HTML templa...

56,748 ダウンロード数

weatherzone 0.8.8

Ruby client for the weatherzone webservice.

56,616 ダウンロード数

oedipus_lex 2.6.2

Oedipus Lex is a lexer generator in the same family as Rexical and Rex. Oedipus Lex is ...

56,559 ダウンロード数

nicovideo 0.1.8

utils for nicovideo

56,312 ダウンロード数

makerakeworkwell 1.0.4

make/rake/work/well provides two simple modifications to rake that make working with fi...

56,073 ダウンロード数

rhodes-framework 1.2.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

56,057 ダウンロード数

shooting_star 3.2.7

Our goal is development of practical comet server which will be achieving over 100,000 ...

55,261 ダウンロード数

mundo-pepino 0.2.2

MundoPepino is a set of reusable step definitions to test Rails apps with Cucumber

55,097 ダウンロード数


Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby.

54,786 ダウンロード数

kompanee-recipes 0.1.4

These are the common recipes we've been using here at The Kompanee. Packaged as a gem.

54,603 ダウンロード数

openmeta.rb 2.3.0

**openMeta** in Ruby (support ruby 1.8, ruby 2.0 with RubyCocoa 1.2.0, and MacRuby). Th...

54,475 ダウンロード数

ActsAsFastNestedSet 0.1.5

The author was too lazy to write a description

54,396 ダウンロード数

perception 0.3.19

Beautiful and readable printouts for console and logs.

54,379 ダウンロード数

sportdb-config 1.1.1

sportdb-config - sport.db configuration settings and built-in defaults

54,067 ダウンロード数

GData 0.0.4

== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: To start out the API set isn't covered. The aim is to support th...

53,843 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 8,467,617

このバージョンのみ 2,838



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.7, < 4

必要なRubyGemsのバージョン: >= 3.0
