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Dépendances inversées pour hashdiff Latest version of the following gems require hashdiff

dopv 0.14.8

Deployment orchestrator for VMs

13 546 Téléchargements

copperegg-alerts 0.1.1

Set and remove alert silencing schedules aka maintenance windows

11 256 Téléchargements

rspec-flaky 0.0.4

Gem wraps every runned example to dump pointed database tables to json files

10 477 Téléchargements

tinder_client 0.1.6

A client for Tinder written in Ruby

10 139 Téléchargements

appmap_swagger 0.2.0

Provides a Rake task to generate Swagger from AppMap data

9 086 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-lm-logs-gcp 1.0.8

This filter plugin filters fluentd records in gcp to the configured LogicMonitor account.

8 817 Téléchargements

alarmable 1.1.0

This is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...

7 381 Téléchargements

k8s-client-renewed 0.13.0

Kubernetes client library

7 332 Téléchargements

vaulty 0.1.0

Vault CLI that is based on the Vault Ruby gem

7 067 Téléchargements

cutting_edge 0.3

Self-hosted dependency monitoring, including shiny badges.

6 951 Téléchargements

xing-backend-specdoc 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6 682 Téléchargements

logstash-output-lmlogs 2.0.1

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6 647 Téléchargements

k8s-ruby2 2.0.13

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

6 476 Téléchargements

json_spectacular 1.1.0

JSON assertions that help you find exactly what has changed with your JSON API without ...

6 323 Téléchargements

openvpn_configurator 1.1.1

Assists in generating OpenVPN configurations.

5 693 Téléchargements

kms-tools 0.0.2

CLI for encrypting and decrypting data using Amazon KMS

5 343 Téléchargements

chivy 0.0.2

Offers a quick way of analyzing language YAML-files and to add missing translation keys...

5 184 Téléchargements

async_experiments 0.1.0

An asynchronous experiment framework.

5 089 Téléchargements

sixarm_ruby_minitest_equal_collection 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two collections, such as enumerations or ...

4 702 Téléchargements

sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_assign 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare the assigns(:symbol) method, which is typ...

4 059 Téléchargements

sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_equal_via_send 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two objects by sending a message

4 049 Téléchargements

recaptcha-prx 4.6.6

Helpers for the reCAPTCHA API, updated by PRX to work with Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3

3 926 Téléchargements

solis 0.75.0

The SUN in latin or is it SILOS spelled backwards. Turn any SHACL file or Google sheet ...

3 650 Téléchargements

dailyrep 1.0.0

This is Ruby App collects the information you need (currency, new torrents, etc) from v...

3 425 Téléchargements

rspec-hash_diff 0.0.0

A library for rspec that displays better hash diffs

3 284 Téléchargements

demeter-cli 0.0.4

A complete manager for AWS security groups

3 182 Téléchargements

moura 0.2.0

Management tool for Onelogin resources.

3 075 Téléchargements

defaulty 0.1.0

OS X defaults handler

2 918 Téléchargements

specdiff 0.3.0

Specdiff aims to improve both RSpec's and WebMock's diffing by applying opinionated heu...

2 724 Téléchargements

verizon_api 0.0.1

This gem allows you to view/modify your ADN and WAF configurations.

2 450 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 247 141 640

Pour cette version 7 132 934



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.0.0
