RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para hashdiff La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren hashdiff

dopv 0.14.8

Deployment orchestrator for VMs

13.530 Descargas

copperegg-alerts 0.1.1

Set and remove alert silencing schedules aka maintenance windows

11.247 Descargas

rspec-flaky 0.0.4

Gem wraps every runned example to dump pointed database tables to json files

10.447 Descargas

tinder_client 0.1.6

A client for Tinder written in Ruby

10.121 Descargas

appmap_swagger 0.2.0

Provides a Rake task to generate Swagger from AppMap data

9.075 Descargas

fluent-plugin-lm-logs-gcp 1.0.8

This filter plugin filters fluentd records in gcp to the configured LogicMonitor account.

8.775 Descargas

alarmable 1.1.0

This is a reusable alarm concern for Active Recordmodels. It adds support for the autom...

7.367 Descargas

k8s-client-renewed 0.13.0

Kubernetes client library

7.255 Descargas

vaulty 0.1.0

Vault CLI that is based on the Vault Ruby gem

7.053 Descargas

cutting_edge 0.3

Self-hosted dependency monitoring, including shiny badges.

6.939 Descargas

xing-backend-specdoc 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6.673 Descargas

logstash-output-lmlogs 2.0.1

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

6.627 Descargas

k8s-ruby2 2.0.13

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

6.449 Descargas

json_spectacular 1.1.0

JSON assertions that help you find exactly what has changed with your JSON API without ...

6.311 Descargas

openvpn_configurator 1.1.1

Assists in generating OpenVPN configurations.

5.683 Descargas

kms-tools 0.0.2

CLI for encrypting and decrypting data using Amazon KMS

5.338 Descargas

chivy 0.0.2

Offers a quick way of analyzing language YAML-files and to add missing translation keys...

5.178 Descargas

async_experiments 0.1.0

An asynchronous experiment framework.

5.084 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_minitest_equal_collection 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two collections, such as enumerations or ...

4.695 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_assign 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare the assigns(:symbol) method, which is typ...

4.052 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_minitest_assert_equal_via_send 2.0.0

A Minitest assertion & expectation to compare two objects by sending a message

4.043 Descargas

recaptcha-prx 4.6.6

Helpers for the reCAPTCHA API, updated by PRX to work with Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3

3.918 Descargas

solis 0.75.0

The SUN in latin or is it SILOS spelled backwards. Turn any SHACL file or Google sheet ...

3.612 Descargas

dailyrep 1.0.0

This is Ruby App collects the information you need (currency, new torrents, etc) from v...

3.421 Descargas

rspec-hash_diff 0.0.0

A library for rspec that displays better hash diffs

3.280 Descargas

demeter-cli 0.0.4

A complete manager for AWS security groups

3.179 Descargas

moura 0.2.0

Management tool for Onelogin resources.

3.058 Descargas

defaulty 0.1.0

OS X defaults handler

2.915 Descargas

specdiff 0.3.0

Specdiff aims to improve both RSpec's and WebMock's diffing by applying opinionated heu...

2.456 Descargas

verizon_api 0.0.1

This gem allows you to view/modify your ADN and WAF configurations.

2.447 Descargas

Total de descargas 246.441.673

Para esta versión 6.766.797



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
