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haml-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 haml-rails

basic-initial-rails4 1.1.4

this gem is to create a main files into de new rails applications using a rails g binst...

21,353 下載

works_cited 0.1.16

Works cited allows you to add a list of the works cited in ActiveRecord objects, to be ...

21,213 下載

storytime-admin 0.2.5

A simple alternative to Active Admin and Rails Admin

20,986 下載

family_gallery 0.0.8

A picture gallery supporting tagging, groups and much more.

20,799 下載

rubygems_herald 1.0.1

This project has been renamed to Museum. This version has been abandoned and remains he...

20,677 下載

zoo-generators 0.1.5

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...

20,390 下載

todo_rails 0.1.7

Make a simple todo app on your web app with just two line of codes. It is really easy t...

20,305 下載

natural_resource 0.2.0

Small Rails Framework to speed up CRUD controllers

20,232 下載

tokite 0.7.1

Customizable Slack notification from GitHub

19,791 下載

postburner 0.8.0

Queue background jobs, inspect them, and audit them afterwards.

19,744 下載

basepack 1.0.1

Basepack for Rails

19,649 下載

ordinary_cms 0.4.2

Description of OrdinaryCms.

19,629 下載

beyond 0.0.8

A gem that uses docker and to deploy applications b...

19,585 下載

role_block_haml 0.2.4

Shortcuts for data-role and data-block (to use with evil-bloks-rails)

19,235 下載

ecm_tags 2.2.1

ECM Tags Module

19,082 下載

stall 0.3.5

Rails e-commerce framework

19,065 下載

hashrocket-rails 0.0.6

Rails engine & generators for bootstrapping a Hashrocket project

18,918 下載

adminable 0.0.7

Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.

18,716 下載

glacier_on_rails 1.0.0

Rails engine for database backup/restore to/from Amazon Glacier, including file attachm...

18,516 下載

integral 2.0.0

Building a professional website on Rails has never been easier. Create fascinating blog...

17,920 下載

app_frame 0.6.1

An app framework

17,726 下載

rtc_datatable 0.0.6

Rich Table Component with advanced search, export file, and generate recapitulation

17,608 下載

turbolog 0.2.0

Create login with devise, omniauth and facebook

17,546 下載

ui_changed 0.0.6

Rails plugin for crawling domains for detecting differences in the UI

17,240 下載

strong_form 0.0.9

Allows to alter form fields based on permitted attributes.

17,215 下載

ecm_videos 2.1.1

Ecm::Videos Module.

17,033 下載

date_book 0.1.4

Rails 5 Engine to give users their own calendars of events.

16,978 下載

page_engine 0.0.5

Extends a rails application with pages, allowing the generation of navigation, breadcru...

16,932 下載

billy_signup 1.0.4

Insert into your application and you'll have Billy::SignupsController and associated views

16,578 下載

wafflemix 0.0.6

Coming Soon

16,576 下載

總下載次數 42,394,845

這個版本 5,105,084



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
