RubyGems Navigation menu

guard 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard

newrelic-infinite_tracing 9.9.0

The New Relic Ruby agent requires the gem newrelic_rpm, and it includes distributed tra...

1,568,516 下载

crypt_keeper 2.3.0

Transparent ActiveRecord encryption

1,527,455 下载

logster 2.19.1

UI for viewing logs in Rack

1,493,102 下载

keen 1.1.1

Send events and build analytics features into your Ruby applications.

1,471,968 下载

m3u8 0.8.2

Generate and parse m3u8 playlists for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

1,418,061 下载

testrail-ruby 0.1.02

A Ruby client wrapper for the TestRail API (v2)

1,415,445 下载

guard-jasmine 3.1.0

Guard::Jasmine automatically tests your Jasmine specs on PhantomJS

1,324,569 下载

power-types 0.7.0

Power Types for Rails by Platanus

1,236,196 下载

json-streamer 2.1.0

Utility to support JSON streaming allowing you to get data based on various criteria (k...

1,214,829 下载

guard-sidekiq 0.1.0

Guard::Sidekiq automatically starts/stops/restarts sidekiq worker

1,209,383 下载

neo4j 9.6.2

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

1,183,861 下载

minitest-tagz 1.7.0

allows you to tag different Minitest tests with tags that can be used to filter tests

1,167,931 下载

danger-kotlin_detekt 0.0.3

A short description of danger-kotlin_detekt.

1,162,633 下载

danger-auto_label 1.3.1

A simple auto labeler for issue or PR. Made by Danger plugin.

1,151,058 下载

gqli 1.2.0

GraphQL client with simple interface, designed for developer happiness

1,150,528 下载

pokitdok-ruby 0.9.2

Gem for easy access to the PokitDok Platform APIs.

1,095,408 下载

ruby-terraform 1.7.0

Wraps the Terraform CLI so that Terraform can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

1,078,339 下载

rich_text_renderer 0.3.2

Rich Text Renderer for the Contentful RichText field type

1,025,294 下载

fuelsdk 0.1.11

Fuel SDK for Ruby

1,003,997 下载

mobvious 0.3.2

Rack middleware for choosing a version of an interface to render for given request

969,236 下载

guard-zeus 2.0.1

Guard::Zeus automatically manage zeus

923,242 下载

moodle2cc 0.2.46

Migrates Moodle backup ZIP to IMS Common Cartridge package

897,143 下载

neo4j-core 9.0.0

Neo4j-core provides classes and methods to work with the graph database Neo4j.

895,383 下载

dragonfly_svg 1.0.1

Dragonfly analyser and processor for SVGs.

837,269 下载

rails4-autocomplete 1.1.1

Use jQuery's autocomplete plugin with Rails 4.

834,220 下载

papertrail 0.11.2

Command-line client for Papertrail hosted log management service. Tails and searches ap...

799,565 下载

jekyll-algolia 1.7.1

Index all your content into Algolia by running `jekyll algolia`

788,454 下载

danger-lgtm 1.1.1

Let danger say LGTM!

775,875 下载

algolia_html_extractor 2.6.4

Take any arbitrary HTML as input and extract its content as a list of records, includin...

774,122 下载

rake_terraform 1.23.0

Provides rake tasks for executing terraform commands as part of a rake build.

764,196 下载

下载总量 100,853,939

这个版本 2,333,313



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
