RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para guard-yard La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard-yard

as_namespace 0.2.0

Omit the ruby name space by defining in the class

8.306 Descargas

mojo_auth 0.1.1

MojoAuth is a set of standard approaches to cross-app authentication based on HMAC.

8.058 Descargas

garoon-cat 0.3.0

Garoon Cat: A Ruby interface to the Garoon API.

7.907 Descargas

ssh-bookmarks 0.0.4

A dead simple cli ssh server list.

7.783 Descargas

pager_duty 0.1.2

Client for PagerDuty API v2

7.259 Descargas

riik 0.3.0

Lightweight object mapper for Riak.

7.254 Descargas

clearly-query 1.1.0

A library for constructing an sql query from a hash. Uses a strict, yet flexible specif...

7.206 Descargas

gatecoin 0.3.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7.141 Descargas

nucleus 0.3.1

Nucleus is a unified API for deployment and management of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ...

7.072 Descargas

fritz 0.1

Pings a list of IPs and reports their status.

6.849 Descargas

any_sms-backend-aws 0.1.1

AnySMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery

6.741 Descargas

quoinex 0.2.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

6.737 Descargas

easy_time 1.0.1

A class that wraps the Time class and makes it easy to work with most known time values...

6.691 Descargas

any_sms 0.4.0

Simple and flexible solution to send sms in ruby, supporting variety of sms services.

6.390 Descargas

cache_toolbox 0.1.2

Utility cache store classes for Rails applications.

6.383 Descargas

mongrep 0.3.0

Mongrep provides base classes and modules for implementing persistance layers for Mongo...

6.245 Descargas

paperclip_montage 0.1.2

This module stores the image files in Redis

6.109 Descargas

webb 0.0.2

Discovers active HTTP servers within a provided range.

6.096 Descargas

swifty_enum 0.1.2

SwiftyEnum enable defining enums in Ruby. Enums behave like Swift enums.

5.946 Descargas

makenew-ruby_gem 2.0.1

Ruby gem skeleton.

5.914 Descargas

snapsearch-client-ruby 1.0.0

Ruby HTTP Client Middleware Libraries for SnapSearch. Search engine optimisation for si...

5.683 Descargas

guard-yamlsort 0.0.2

Sorts YAML files alphabetically by key.

5.456 Descargas

vaquero_io 0.1.2

Command line tool to automate the provision and bootstrap of virtual machine applicatio...

5.383 Descargas

game 0.0.1

# Game A Ruby-powered MVC game framework. ## Install ```sh $ gem install game ``` #...

4.540 Descargas

error 0.0.0

# Error `Error` is a very small library that serves as a base `Class` for error `Class...

4.517 Descargas

enqueue 0.0.1

Interface with message queues with ease.

4.412 Descargas

science 0.0.1b


4.295 Descargas

openhab-jrubyscripting 5.0.0.rc.13

JRuby Helper Libraries for openHAB Scripting

4.284 Descargas

faraday_cage 0.0.1

Faraday Cage allows you to use Faraday for making requests to your REST APIs in integra...

4.151 Descargas

licenses 0.0.1

# License Create software licenses easily. ## Install ### Bundler: `gem 'license'` ...

4.139 Descargas

Total de descargas 483.489

Para esta versión 268.238



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
