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guard-shell 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard-shell

fluent-plugin-file-sprintf 0.0.7

sprintf output file plugin for Fluentd.

22,979 下载

wcc-contentful-middleman 1.6.0

Middleman plugin for creating pages from Contentful

22,103 下载

eaco 1.1.2

Authorization framework

21,901 下载

dockistrano 0.0.7

Manage Docker containers for a development workflow

21,372 下载

postmod 0.0.7

A facilitator for post-modern application architecture or something.

20,352 下载

wcc-contentful-graphql 1.2.0

GraphQL interface over WCC::Contentful store

19,075 下载

rzo 0.8.0

Rizzo (rzo) is a tool for working with Vagrant and layered Puppet control repos

18,877 下载

spree_zaez_tnt_mercurio 3.0.7

Implements diverse functions in order to enable the use of services from TNT Mercúrio i...

17,445 下载

data_crate 0.1.8


16,288 下载

lollipop 0.6.0

Development dependencies collection

14,594 下载


Adds Billet as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

14,532 下载

dotsmack 0.5

See for example usage

14,281 下载

spree_zaez_correios 3.0.5

Implements diverse functions in order to enable the use of services from Brazil's Corre...

13,838 下载

enlint 0.5

See for example usage

13,678 下载

lili 0.4

See for example usage

13,575 下载

glib-eventable 0.1.3

This is a helper gem for ruby-gnome2 applications that allows developers to easily conn...

13,343 下载

gtdlint 0.5

See for example usage

13,088 下载

line-detector 0.5

See for example usage

12,896 下载

guard-blink1 0.0.3

guard output to blink1

12,712 下载

html-pipeline-task_list 0.1.0

An HTML::Pipeline filter for creating GitHub-flavored Markdown TaskLists

12,346 下载

simple_captcha_reloaded 0.3.0

Captcha library which uses imagemagick to create captchas

11,835 下载

wonko_the_sane 0.1.6

Pre-processing and format-unification of various resources mainly related to Minecraft

11,695 下载

spree_zaez_banner 3.0.4

Extension to manage banner for Spree Commerce

11,576 下载

guard_boilerplate 0.2.0

A simple script that allows you to run Guard to refresh your web browser and optionally...

11,438 下载

crypt_ident 0.2.7

Authentication module using BCrypt; initially Hanami-specific.

10,637 下载


Hyperdex client bindings

10,584 下载

zaphod 1.1.0

Catch untested commits and report them.

10,457 下载

marktag 0.0.4

Write a gem description

10,342 下载

rails-test-toolbox 0.2.0

An opinionated list of helpful testing tools for working with Ruby on Rails.

10,206 下载

simple_site 0.0.3

Helps build simple websites using haml and sass. Compresses your js. Deploys to AWS S3.

10,007 下载

下载总量 3,339,401

这个版本 970,546



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
