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guard-bundler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard-bundler

zeta 2.1.4


90,682 下载

cmor_testimonials 0.0.60.pre

CMOR Testimonials Module.

87,757 下载

guard-delayed 0.4.0

Guard::Delayedjob automatically starts/stops/restarts delayed_job

87,265 下载

rao-shoulda_matchers 0.0.52.pre

Additional shoulda matchers for Ruby on Rails.

86,115 下载

cmor_testimonials_backend 0.0.60.pre


86,089 下载

exvo_helpers 0.6.5

Ruby gem providing various helper methods, like auth_host, auth_uri, cdn_host, etc.

84,422 下载

godot 0.3.0

If you're going to be bored waiting for something, why not our good friend?

83,938 下载

style-guide 1.1.1

A mountable Rails engine where you curate and view your site's visual elements.

83,842 下载

ruby_ufebs 0.3.0

Simple Construction of XML Defined by UFEBS for 2017/2018 standards

83,249 下载

em-spec 0.2.7

Simple BDD API for testing asynchronous Ruby/EventMachine code

82,583 下载

dbhijacker 0.10.3

Allows a single Rails appliation to access many different databases

82,346 下载

guard-resque 0.0.5

Guard::Resque automatically starts/stops/restarts resque worker

81,833 下载

ecm_pictures 0.0.21

Provides picture galleries for active admin.

79,440 下载

url_scrubber 0.8.23

Remove extraneous bits from URLs, follow redirects, identify social media urls, etc.

78,981 下载

rao-resource_controller 0.0.52.pre

Singular Resource Controllers for Ruby on Rails.

78,365 下载

loqate 0.12.0

API client for GBG Loqate

77,401 下载

amfetamine 0.4.2

Provides an interface to REST apis with objects and a cache. Zero effort!

77,399 下载

basquiat 1.6.0

Basquiat is a library that intends to abstract all the complexity of working with messa...

75,578 下载

luna_park 0.13.2

Domain driven oriented microservice framework.

73,324 下载

authful 0.6.3

A wrapper for the Authful service

73,322 下载

midwire_common 1.1.1

A useful Ruby library

73,275 下载

rao-api-service_controller 0.0.52.pre

API Services Controller for Ruby on Rails.

72,691 下载

guard-passenger 0.6.2

Guard::Passenger automatically restarts Passenger when needed.

71,647 下载

ashikawa-core 0.14.0

Ashikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...

70,838 下载

administrador 0.0.32.pre

Administrador - The rails administration interface.

68,891 下载

engine_of_war 2.0.0

Semi-static site engine.

68,318 下载

jsonapionify 0.12.10

Ruby object structure conforming to the JSON API spec.

67,957 下载

rna 0.4.7

Rna is a simple DSL for generating node.json files required by chef-solo.

67,792 下载

autowow 0.17.1

Set of commands to AUTOmate Way Of Working

67,461 下载

cmor_system_backend 0.0.43.pre

Cmor System Module.

65,144 下载

下载总量 8,395,369

这个版本 520,092



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4.9
