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google-cloud-errorsの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はgoogle-cloud-errorsを必要としています

google-cloud-policy_simulator-v1 0.4.0

Policy Simulator is a collection of endpoints for creating, running, and viewing a [Rep...

2,233 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-data_catalog-v1beta1 0.4.0

DataCatalog is a centralized and unified data catalog service for all your Cloud resour...

2,131 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-cloud_quotas-v1 0.3.3

Cloud Quotas API provides Google Cloud service consumers with management and observabil...

2,077 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-edge_network-v1 0.5.0

Network management API for Distributed Cloud Edge. Note that google-cloud-edge_network-...

2,072 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-support-v2 0.4.0

Manages Google Cloud technical support cases for Customer Care support offerings. Note ...

1,983 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-language-v2 0.4.0

Provides natural language understanding technologies, such as sentiment analysis, entit...

1,967 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-commerce-consumer-procurement-v1 0.4.0

Enables consumers to procure products served by Cloud Marketplace platform. Note that g...

1,950 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-notebooks-v2 0.4.0

Notebooks API is used to manage notebook resources in Google Cloud. Note that google-cl...

1,907 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-policy_troubleshooter-iam-v3 0.4.0

google-cloud-policy_troubleshooter-iam-v3 is the official client library for the Policy...

1,902 ダウンロード数

google-shopping-merchant-inventories-v1beta 0.4.1

Programmatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...

1,899 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-migration_center-v1 0.3.0

A unified platform that helps you accelerate your end-to-end cloud journey from your cu...

1,649 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-redis-cluster-v1 0.4.0

Creates and manages Redis instances on the Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-clou...

1,541 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-telco_automation-v1 0.4.0

APIs to automate management of cloud infrastructure for network functions. Note that go...

1,487 ダウンロード数

google-apps-meet-v2beta 0.3.0

Create and manage meetings in Google Meet. Note that google-apps-meet-v2beta is a versi...

1,482 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-secure_source_manager-v1 0.3.0

Regionally deployed, single-tenant managed source code repository hosted on Google Clou...

1,439 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-service_health-v1 0.2.0

Personalized Service Health helps you gain visibility into disruptive events impacting ...

1,196 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-security_center_management-v1 0.4.0

Management API for Security Command Center, a built-in security and risk management sol...

1,045 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-config-v1 0.2.0

Creates and manages Google Cloud Platform resources and infrastructure. Note that googl...

928 ダウンロード数

google-apps-meet-v2 0.2.0

Create and manage meetings in Google Meet. Note that google-apps-meet-v2 is a version-s...

859 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-security_center-v2 0.3.0

Security Command Center API provides access to temporal views of assets and findings wi...

826 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-storage-control-v2 1.0.0

The Google Cloud Storage API allows applications to read and write data through the abs...

814 ダウンロード数

google-maps-fleet_engine-v1 0.2.1

Enables Fleet Engine for access to the On Demand Rides and Deliveries and Last Mile Fle...

784 ダウンロード数

google-apps-chat-v1 0.1.2

The Google Chat API lets you build Chat apps to integrate your services with Google Cha...

715 ダウンロード数

google-maps-fleet_engine-delivery-v1 0.2.0

Enables Fleet Engine for access to the On Demand Rides and Deliveries and Last Mile Fle...

613 ダウンロード数

google-shopping-css-v1 0.1.1

Programmatically manage your Comparison Shopping Service (CSS) account data at scale. N...

557 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-cloud_controls_partner-v1beta 0.1.1

Provides insights about your customers and their Assured Workloads based on your Sovere...

544 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-cloud_controls_partner-v1 0.1.1

Provides insights about your customers and their Assured Workloads based on your Sovere...

544 ダウンロード数

google-apps-events-subscriptions-v1 0.1.0

The Google Workspace Events API lets you subscribe to events and manage change notifica...

530 ダウンロード数

google-shopping-merchant-lfp-v1beta 0.1.1

Programmatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...

525 ダウンロード数

google-cloud-backupdr-v1 0.2.0

google-cloud-backupdr-v1 is the official client library for the Backup and DR Service V...

504 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 142,528,560

このバージョンのみ 5,228,733



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.7
