RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para git La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren git

blocktrain 0.3.3

Train of fools

27.903 Descargas

gitlab-mirror-pull 1.1.2

Checks for gitlab repositories with a set remote and run git fetch on these. Features: ...

27.880 Descargas

git-hooks 0.5.0

It stores git hooks and force git hooks installation.

27.690 Descargas

foreman_acd 0.10.0

Foreman plugin to provide application centric deployment and self service portal

27.645 Descargas

pgmodelgen 0.6.1

Rake task that generates/updates activerecord models based on current schema in the pos...

27.537 Descargas

ansible-role 1.1.2

Gem with some useful Ansible role command line tools.

27.392 Descargas

designshell 0.0.8

All-round workflow tool for designers. Enables designers to comfortably use geek goodne...

27.304 Descargas

multiwoven-integrations 0.12.0

Multiwoven Integrations is a comprehensive Ruby gem designed to facilitate seamless con...

27.100 Descargas

alb-test 10.1.15

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

27.084 Descargas

greenhouse 0.0.11

Greenhouse provides a suite of tools that make working with multiple ruby projects easi...

27.073 Descargas

imagemaster3000 0.9.0

Downloading and slight modification of cloud images

27.029 Descargas

hercules 0.2.6

Very simple deployment tool. It was made to deploy rails applications using github, bun...

26.903 Descargas

vagrant-saltdeps 1.1.4

Enables Vagrant to manage salt formula dependencies.

26.868 Descargas

controlrepo 2.0.10

Testing tools for Puppet controlrepos

26.733 Descargas

natstrap 0.2.5

A gem to create a new project for Nat. Follows a consistent app template using padrino ...

26.700 Descargas

rails_routes_analyzer 2.0.1

Tools to identify and in some cases automatically remove unused Rails routes. Also incl...

26.486 Descargas

pull_request-create 1.0.1

Create pull request with few configuration.

26.344 Descargas

dorian 2.6.3

a collection of gems

26.304 Descargas

circle-cli 0.1.3

A bunch of commands useful to deal with Circle CI without leaving your terminal.

26.304 Descargas

data_kitten 1.3.4

Get dataset metadata in a consistent format - no matter what you throw at it

26.249 Descargas

dco 1.0.1

A command line tool to help manage Developer Certificate of Origin projects.

26.072 Descargas

yk_command 0.6.5

a longer description or delete this line.

25.826 Descargas

semmy 1.2.0

Rake tasks for a semantic versioning of gems

25.812 Descargas

trop 0.8.6

trop is support

25.676 Descargas

playwright-cli 0.1.19

Playwright is tool for quickly building command line apps in ruby.

25.264 Descargas

gitwakatime 0.4.0

A Tool that will compile git data with wakatime data to establi...

25.217 Descargas

terragov 0.4.0

GOV.UK deploy infrastructure using Terraform. This is a wrapper to help deployments.

25.001 Descargas

git_time_extractor 0.3.2

Analyzes Git repository commit log to compute developer working hours, weekly activity,...

24.684 Descargas

capsulecd 1.0.11

CapsuleCD is a library for automating package releases (npm, cookbooks, gems, pip, jars...

24.085 Descargas

compare_linker_wrapper 1.0.2

CompareLinker CLI wrapper.

24.083 Descargas

Total de descargas 137.129.362

Para esta versión 173.003

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0
