gem-releaseの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はgem-releaseを必要としています
webdack-uuid_migration 1.5.0
Useful helpers to consistently migrate Integer id columns to UUID in PostgreSql. Specia...
642,389 ダウンロード数
jenkins_pipeline_builder 1.10.0
This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Pipeline generator with features focused on au...
637,879 ダウンロード数
kitchen-salt 0.7.2
salt provisioner for test-kitchen so that you can test all the things
613,846 ダウンロード数
cf 5.4.7
Friendly command-line interface for Cloud Foundry.
564,029 ダウンロード数
jquery-easing-rails 0.0.2
Jquery easing plugin for Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline
554,226 ダウンロード数
graphite-api 1.1.1
Graphite API - A Simple ruby client, aggregator daemon and API tools
519,968 ダウンロード数
rescue_unique_constraint 1.10.0
Rescues unique constraint violations and turns them into ActiveRecord errors
459,602 ダウンロード数
code-formatter 1.1.10
swift code formatter
445,906 ダウンロード数
rake_factory 0.33.0
Provides base classes and modules to allow declarative definition of rake tasks.
400,104 ダウンロード数
selenium-rc 2.20.0
The Selenium Server packaged as a gem
346,205 ダウンロード数
killbill-client 4.0.5
An API client library for Kill Bill.
318,757 ダウンロード数
mortar 0.15.53
Client library and command-line tool to interact with the Mortar service.
313,781 ダウンロード数
sambot 0.1.229
# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...
311,775 ダウンロード数
openhab-scripting 5.35.1
JRuby Helper Libraries for openHAB Scripting
279,452 ダウンロード数
rake-benchmark 1.0.0
Benchmarks your rake tasks and automatically outputs the timing information after it co...
257,438 ダウンロード数
concourse.rb 0.5.0
A Ruby SDK for the Concourse CI API.
245,073 ダウンロード数
activerecord-like 7.0.1
An ActiveRecord plugin providing a higher-level abstraction for SQL 'LIKE' queries
239,761 ダウンロード数
meterpreter_bins 0.0.22
Compiled binaries for Metasploit's Meterpreter
227,589 ダウンロード数
rake_leiningen 0.38.0
Rake tasks for common leiningen commands allowing a leiningen project to be managed as ...
221,993 ダウンロード数
ruby_leiningen 0.29.0
Wraps the leiningen CLI so that leiningen can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
211,406 ダウンロード数
noty-rails 2.3.8
This gem provides Noty, a jQuery Notification Plugin, for your Rails application.
204,609 ダウンロード数
webshot 0.1.2
Captures a web page as a screenshot using Poltergeist, Capybara and PhantomJS
197,676 ダウンロード数
flagsmith 4.3.0
Ruby Client for Flagsmith. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and remote...
193,298 ダウンロード数
fyipe 3.0.12057
Fyipe is a ruby package that tracks error event and send logs from your applications to...
170,382 ダウンロード数
resonad 1.4.0
Objects that represent success or failure
161,216 ダウンロード数
cleanup_vendor 0.6.1
Removes unnecessary files which are not required in production environment.
157,309 ダウンロード数
mongoid_userstamp 0.4.0
Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid
151,517 ダウンロード数
classy_assets 0.14.5
Asset Pipeline for classy Sinatra (and/or Rack) apps
151,385 ダウンロード数
sapience 3.0
Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.
145,623 ダウンロード数
kpm 0.11.2
A package manager for Kill Bill.
140,129 ダウンロード数