Dependencias inversas para gem-release La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren gem-release
rspec-terraform 0.4.0
Helpers, contexts and matchers to support using RSpec to test Terraform configurations ...
44.510 Descargas
woopy 0.3.2
Wraps the Woople API as ActiveResources
43.455 Descargas
resque-approve 0.0.16
Keeps a list of jobs which require approval to run.
43.335 Descargas
sandthorn_driver_sequel 4.1.0
Sequel driver for Sandthorn
42.934 Descargas
locraft 1.6.6
application localizator
42.790 Descargas
Over's custom CI / CD toolchain, integrating, Github, Github and ITC
42.505 Descargas
headdesk 0.17.0
headdesk helps identify and solve common issues in mobile development by analizing APKs...
42.173 Descargas
rake_easy_rsa 0.15.0
Rake tasks for common PKI management tasks using EasyRSA.
42.119 Descargas
thor-addons 1.1.0
Useful Add-ons Thor CLI
41.484 Descargas
inform 0.0.9
Interactive, colourised logging
41.441 Descargas
ruby_easy_rsa 0.13.0
Wraps the EasyRSA scripts so that they can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
41.104 Descargas
ruby_vault 0.2.0
Wraps the Vault CLI so that Vault can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.
41.048 Descargas
paperclip-dimension 0.3.1
A simple plugin to persist image dimensions.
40.845 Descargas
envme 0.3.0
Envme is a Ruby wrapper for envconsul with a few extras.
40.524 Descargas
fastlane-ext 1.0.23
fastlane ext
40.435 Descargas
byebug-skipper 0.5.0
Additional commands for Byebug that skip over garbage frames
40.402 Descargas
riak-shim 1.1.1
Riak shim for bucket naming and config.
39.784 Descargas
rake_vault 0.4.0
Allows logging into and interacting with Hashicorp Vault.
39.225 Descargas
workstream_protocol 0.8.1
Ruby SDK of Workstream message Specification
39.056 Descargas
Light wrapper for RFam data in Ruby.
37.319 Descargas
forgitter 0.1.4
Forgitter is a .gitignore generator. It is based on the ignorefiles found at https://gi...
37.171 Descargas
deep_struct 1.1.0
Converts ruby hashes and arrays into objects. Also works with JSON & YAML files.
36.924 Descargas
popular 0.7.4
Friendship gem for Rails/ActiveRecord. Popular saves time when developing social apps
35.605 Descargas
constantize 0.1.7
This gem provides dynamically created constants for activerecord models
35.363 Descargas
archivist-client 0.2.4
archivist-client queries for book data and downloads some things.
35.287 Descargas
prependers 1.0.0
Easily and cleanly extend third-party code.
34.759 Descargas
voom-presenters 2.1.2
Presenters Gem.
34.603 Descargas
hermes_api 0.7.4
Unofficial Ruby object based Hermes UK API wrapper.
34.377 Descargas
actionkit_connector 0.4.1
A gem for interacting with the ActionKit API.
34.169 Descargas
sleet 0.6.0
Sleet provides an easy way to grab the most recent Rspec persistance files from CircleC...
34.051 Descargas