foreman 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 foreman
turbo_boost-commands 0.3.2
Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.
19,886 下載
mongo_browser 0.2.5
Simple but powerful tool for managing mongodb databases
18,275 下載
Build things
17,599 下載
warpcore 0.2.2
A set of components and classes for quickly building cloud applications and infrastruct...
17,388 下載
block 0.0.10
Ruby Gem to block IP addresses that are requesting URLs you determine are bad.
16,250 下載
turbo_reflex 0.0.31
TurboReflex extends Turbo Frames and adds support for client triggered reflexes (think ...
15,992 下載
pulse-meter-client-backport 0.1.4
Ruby 1.8 compatible PulseMeter client
15,980 下載
testengineer 0.2.0
15,548 下載
salesforce_client_app 0.0.6
This gem aims for the example of Sencha app.
15,405 下載
fluentd-server 0.3.2
Fluentd config distribution server
14,892 下載
lotus-dynamodb 0.1.3
Amazon DynamoDB adapter for Lotus::Model
14,567 下載
rails_blog_engine 0.0.4
Rails 3.1 drop-in blog engine for existing Rails applications
13,668 下載
proctor 0.0.4
Proctor: a Process Manager
13,246 下載
mongoid-clerk 0.0.4
A simple logger for mongoid
13,169 下載
foreman-monit 1.0.4
Outputs bash-wrapped launchers and control files for monit
13,122 下載
wix 0.0.5
Rubygem to interact with Wix's add-on marketplace API.
12,799 下載
halfday 0.1.3
Collection of Capistrano recipes - Deploy. Then, take a halfday.
12,528 下載
foreman-export-allah 0.1.4
Export a Foreman Procfile to allah services
12,446 下載
webhook_handler 0.4.0
Perform an async action in response to a webhook
11,476 下載
foreman_export_runitu 0.0.2
Foreman exporter to runit, unlike original runit exporter, does it without sudo
11,006 下載
your_platform 1.0.1
Administrative and social network platform for closed user groups.
10,897 下載
sabisu 0.1.3
Sabisu is a dashboard for the monitoring framework Sensu. It is powered by Cloudant to ...
10,877 下載
tracker-application 0.0.13
Application logic for a tracker app
10,387 下載
km-db 0.3.4
Process KISSmetrics data dumps
10,354 下載
isitopencoffeetomorrow 0.3.0
Embedded sinatra app for answering the is it tomorrow question
10,162 下載
capistrano_rails_recipes 0.1.23
Capistrano recipes for rails app
10,128 下載
apptap 0.0.2
AppTap makes it easy to manage service dependencies for your apps. It uses an app-local...
9,668 下載
marlin 0.1.1
Marlin is highly available key-value storage. Supports both in memory storage and redis.
9,482 下載
graffable 0.0.3
Sinatra-based data charting application
8,968 下載
developerreply 0.0.3
Programmatically add hosts & url settings to SendGrid's parse incoming email settin...
8,937 下載