RubyGems Navigation menu

foreman 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 foreman

attache 3.0.0

Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app

44,062 下載

threeman 0.9.3

An alternative to Foreman, which runs each command in a separate tab

44,000 下載

social-avatar-proxy 2.0.1

This gem acts as a proxy for avatars on Twitter & Facebook.

43,929 下載

org-converge 0.0.17

A light configuration management tool for Org mode

42,580 下載

active_admin_pro 0.2.4

A collection of styles and scripts that make Active Admin better.

40,134 下載

executive 0.0.12

a Foreman wrapper with extra utilities.

39,608 下載

spontaneous 0.2.0.beta10

Spontaneous is a content management framework that allows the easy development of sophi...

39,453 下載

fourchette 0.1.4

Fourchette is your new best friend for having isolated testing environment. It will hel...

37,373 下載

pulse_meter_visualizer 0.4.22

Customizable web interface for PulseMeter gem

37,102 下載

wallaby 7.0.0

Autocomplete the resourceful actions and views for ORMs for admin interface and other p...

36,431 下載

foreman-export-initd 0.1.1

Foreman-exporter to create init.d- and monit-scripts

35,859 下載

turbo_boost-streams 0.1.11

Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams

35,724 下載

mongoid-publishable 0.4.0

A mixin for Mongoid document models allowing for publishing them after authentication

34,734 下載

turbo_ready 0.1.4

Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams

32,455 下載

worker-army 0.6.4

Simple redis based worker queue with a HTTP/Rest interface

32,363 下載

bowler 2.1.0

A wrapper for large Foreman-managed apps with dependent processes

32,325 下載

cumuli 0.5.0

Cumuli runs several foreman processes in different directories

31,725 下載

problem_child 3.1.0

Allows authenticated or anonymous users to fill out a standard web form to creat GitHub...

29,132 下載

embargo 0.4.1

Embargo framework!

28,795 下載


This gem is a simple interface for the PetFinder API, which is notoriously difficult to...

27,845 下載

greenhouse 0.0.11

Greenhouse provides a suite of tools that make working with multiple ruby projects easi...

26,794 下載

foreman-export-initscript 0.0.1

Export foreman Procfile to a init script

24,586 下載

rnfse 0.6.2

Biblioteca para integração com as várias implementações municipais de Nota Fiscal d...

23,725 下載

crop-duster 0.0.14

Fly low and slow over your AWS servers looking for weeds

23,267 下載

focuslight 0.2.4

Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool

22,400 下載

pulse_meter-dygraphs_visualizer 0.4.25

Customizable web interface for PulseMeter gem

22,353 下載

aptible-gridiron 0.2.2

Ruby client for

22,349 下載

capistrano-twingly 4.2.0

Capistrano 3 tasks used for Twingly's Ruby deployment

21,741 下載

foreman_god 0.0.6

Monitor Procfiles with God. Mostly compatible with foreman.

20,180 下載

mongoid-nested-serialization 0.0.6

Loads nested Mongoid documents using a JSON serialization

19,897 下載

總下載次數 98,788,999

這個版本 1,270,030



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
