RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para foreman La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren foreman

altria 0.2.1

I am altria.

8.770 Descargas

workon_rails 0.0.3

Opens project in RubyMine, starts guard, starts Rails server.

8.594 Descargas

blazing-foreman 0.1.1

blazing recipes for deploying processes with foreman

8.494 Descargas

linemanager 0.1.2

LineManager is a thin wrapper over Foreman that allows programmatically starting and ...

8.413 Descargas

foreman-export-systemd_user 0.1.2

Upstart user-level export scripts for systemd on Ubuntu 16.04+

8.240 Descargas

foreman-export-daemontools 0.1.0

An exporter for David Dollar's Foreman[] that outputs...

7.696 Descargas


A command line tool to easily scaffold hull projects

7.456 Descargas

rcelery 1.0.1

Ruby implementation of the Python Celery library.

7.273 Descargas

webbynode-mason 0.1.1

Build things

7.041 Descargas

ronnie 0.8.0

Library for accessing the Rdio API from Ruby.

6.809 Descargas

rubynas 0.1.0.pre.3

The ruby based nas system

6.464 Descargas

handshakejs 0.0.2

Rubygem for Handshakejs session check.

6.311 Descargas

active-sync 0.2.0

With minimal set up ActiveSync presents limited rails model interfaces within the JS fo...

6.296 Descargas

digitalocean_c 1.2.1

Ruby bindings for the Digital Ocean API.

6.093 Descargas

linkedin2cv 0.0.2

Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a professional resume in many formats (PDF / HTML5 / La...

6.090 Descargas

rollout-dynamodb 0.0.4

DynamoDB storage adapter for Rollout

5.301 Descargas

genome 0.1.2

A library for create and maintaining cloud formation stacks

4.974 Descargas

minirails 0.2.0

Smallest Rails Apps launcher

4.920 Descargas

foreman-export-monit 0.0.2

Exports monit scripts fromm Foreman

4.888 Descargas

appboost 0.0.1

Simple set up blazing unicorn nginx tools

4.826 Descargas

foreman-export-upstart_user 0.0.1

Upstart user-level export scripts for foreman

4.516 Descargas

foreman_upstart_boot 0.0.1

Export foreman upstart scripts so that the app starts at boot

4.499 Descargas

jet-framework 0.0.1

Jet is a micro framework that sits on top of sproutcore 2

4.395 Descargas

foreman-export-custom 0.0.1

Foreman custom template exporter

4.315 Descargas

foreman-export-mir 0.0.1

Mir generator of runit services from Procfiles.

4.202 Descargas

castanet-testing 0.0.1

Contains Rake tasks for managing CAS servers in test environments

4.096 Descargas

botfarmd 0.0.1

Botfarmd reads a configuration file that specifies Cinch bots with specific plugin suit...

4.079 Descargas

sklaventreiber 0.0.1

Hire and fire a Navvy worker on Heroku as needed.

3.801 Descargas

helios_aim 0.2.2

Helios is an open-source framework that provides essential backend services for iOS app...

3.763 Descargas

fluent-plugin-event-sniffer 0.0.1

Fluentd plugin which serves web application sniffing streaming events

3.731 Descargas

Total de descargas 98.656.586

Para esta versión 1.220.067



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
