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fog 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fog

rds-s3-backup 0.0.8

"Thor script and libraries to backup an AWS RDS snapshot to AWS S3, and create an obfus...

19,978 下載

yun 0.0.6

A command line tool to manage Amazon cloud service

19,966 下載

droom 0.5.3

Droom is nice and clean.

19,449 下載

machines 0.5.6

Install and configure Ubuntu desktops, laptops, servers and cloud instances. Install so...

19,301 下載

blobsterix_carrierwave 1.0.13

This gem is used to create a carrierwave binding to a blobsterix server

19,128 下載

build-ubuntu-ami 2.1.1

Create customized ubuntu AMIs the hard (secure) way.

19,106 下載

kitchen-joyent 0.2.2

A Test Kitchen Joyent driver

18,982 下載

cloudhealth-setup 0.0.16

Configures an Amazon AWS account for use with the CloudHealth service, including creati...

18,877 下載

spree_batch_capture 0.1.5

Adds batch processing to Spree. Includes batch capture and batch export of orders.

18,856 下載

logstash-output-rackspace 2.0.8

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

18,821 下載

kitchen-fog 0.7.3

A Test Kitchen Fog Nova driver

18,628 下載

expiring_asset_links 1.3.1

Handles storing and generating CarrierWave FOG expiring asset link stored in string and...

18,420 下載

hillary 0.0.6

Project manager for common project tasks. Slugging and tagging so far.

18,404 下載

fog_site 0.4.0

Simple utility gem for deploying static sites to S3 and CloudFront using fog.

18,384 下載

hazetug 0.1.7

Provisions and bootstraps nodes using knife

18,301 下載

cloud_tempfile 1.0.1

Tempfile creation directly on cloud storage (S3, Google, Rackspace etc] which can be ut...

18,250 下載

scli 0.0.8

A command line tool to interface with IBM SmartCloud: create, view & delete instances, ...

17,997 下載

awstool 0.2.3

This will launch new instances, set up dns via route53, install puppet, and set facts.

17,671 下載

knife-hp 0.4.2

HP Cloud Services Cloud support for Chef's Knife command

17,598 下載

shipt 0.1.2

longer description of your gem

17,465 下載

knife-linode 0.3.3

Linode Support for Chef's Knife Command

17,240 下載

easy_e 0.0.7

Easy EBS snapshots that work

17,118 下載

visionbundles 0.3.4

In this gem, there's some deploy recipes includes: nginx, puma, db, secret, fast_assets...

17,002 下載

heroku_super_backup 0.0.2

PG backups into the cloud with fog

16,994 下載

apollon 0.0.6

CLI for Apollo Fat Box

16,831 下載

wafflemix 0.0.6

Coming Soon

16,583 下載

chaskiq 0.0.6


16,432 下載

vcloud-box-spinner 0.2.5

Create new VM and apply an opinionated set of commands to them, using vcloud API. The v...

16,402 下載

private_event 0.0.5

Gem hosting and indexing, extracted from the repo

16,382 下載

flms 0.9.0

A CMS for web pages that use interactive layers to present animated content.

16,109 下載

總下載次數 57,585,039

這個版本 95,680



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
