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flog 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 flog

http_test_harness 0.0.1

For a better testing experience

3,116 下载

rails-scope 0.0.1

Ruby gem that allows nVisium to accurately and automatically scope a Ruby on Rails appl...

2,890 下载

sageone_sdk 0.0.1

Provides Ruby methods for accessing the Sage One API endpoints.

2,846 下载

chocolate_shell 0.0.1

For error handling

2,834 下载

sixarm_ruby_integer_map 2.0.0

Integer#map method to run a block multiple times

2,696 下载

fluent-plugin-bind 0.1.0

fluentd plugin for bind log format.

2,522 下载

spotifysearch 0.1.0

Extracts name, link, album, artist, imgs from a search

2,493 下载

sixarm_ruby_date_time_random 3.0.0

Adds extensions for DateTime#random, Date#random, Time#random

2,314 下载

sixarm_ruby_active_record_migration_mock 2.1.0

ActiveRecord migration mock object for testing

2,209 下载

fastruby-metric_fu 5.0.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Code Statistics, and Rails B...

2,086 下载

fluent-plugin-perf-tools 0.2.0

plugin to run and stream output of perf-tools output

1,653 下载

fluent-plugin-http-client 0.2.1

http client for fluentd, based on faraday 2

1,335 下载

zubat 0.0.4

Visualize trends of your code complexity and smells

1,084 下载

rltk3 3.0.2

The Ruby Language Toolkit provides classes for creating context-free grammars, lexers, ...

451 下载

flog-lsp 0.0.1

LSP for providing flog metrics in the editor

234 下载

churn_vs_complexity 1.0.0

Inspired by Michael Feathers' article "Getting Empirical about Refactoring" and the gem...

169 下载

下载总量 20,537,544

这个版本 671,565



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
