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flog 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 flog

rakuna-integration-github 1.0.1

Adds GitHub integration via Octokit to your Webmachine project

5,110 下载

rakuna-content-signature 1.0.1

Adds support for HMAC signatures with optional shared secrets to your Webmachine resources

5,065 下载

article_fixture_gen 0.1.2

Generate blog post/article fixture data, with embedded marker tag pairs.

5,051 下载

vidazing_logger 0.2.1

Custom logging for VidaZing.

4,883 下载

the_metric_system 2.3.6

The metric system is an international decimalised system of measurement, first adopted ...

4,729 下载

rubycrap 0.1.1

Ruby version of CRAP4J

4,666 下载

sensei 0.0.1

Sensei runs your dojo for you. You start with a single failing cucumber feature. As you...

4,571 下载

VIAJERO 0.1.74


4,301 下载

whiteprint 0.1.1

Whiteprint allows you to define attributes within your models. This definition allows f...

4,297 下载

kolekti_metricfu 5.0.0

Metric collecting support for Ruby that servers Kolekti.

4,284 下载

acronyms 0.1.0

Generate acronyms from strings

4,229 下载

nthuevent 0.1.2

Extracts the title, content, and other informaiton of an event

4,185 下载

rack-service_api_versioning 0.1.1

Rack middleware for API Version-specific Component Service redirection.

4,109 下载

validus 0.0.1

Valdations for Plain Old Ruby Objects.

4,025 下载

sixarm_ruby_colorful 3.0.0

Generate plausible color names, such as "Bright Red", "Vivid Green", "Deep Blue"

3,815 下载

sixarm_ruby_equal_instance_variables 2.0.0

Define the `==` method to compare two objects' classes, instance variables, and their v...

3,715 下载

cayblood-metric_fu 1.1.6

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

3,673 下载

sixarm_ruby_file_rewrite 2.0.0

File#rewrite method to safely write a tempfile then move it over an existing file

3,663 下载

build-detect 0.1

See for example usage

3,605 下载

seethe 1.0.0

Complect churn and complexity (git commit count and Flog statistics)

3,570 下载

sixarm_ruby_zid 6.0.0

ZID generates a new random id, suitable for foreign keys, security authentication, uniq...

3,567 下载

anchorrb 0.2.0

Convert any string to be used as a valid HTML anchor

3,499 下载

gforces-metric_fu 1.1.4

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

3,484 下载

url-agent 1.0.0

URL agent can handle common errors, concurrency and fallback for applications that call...

3,482 下载

merge_reviewer 0.0.1

Gem that simplifies the process of getting complexity and duplication for a single file.

3,358 下载


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

3,355 下载

leh-metric_fu 0.9.2

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

3,344 下载

revo-metric_fu 1.1.5

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

3,263 下载

minitest-flog 0.1.0

Uses Flog to test code complexity during testing

3,257 下载

fluent-plugin-input-static-file 0.2.1

Plugin to manage file as a global block in opposition to a line or multiline block as w...

3,139 下载

下载总量 20,516,062

这个版本 661,613



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
