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flog 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 flog

sixarm_ruby_hash_more 2.0.0

HashMore class to create a recursive hash

9,265 下载

sixarm_ruby_alpha_bravo 2.0.0

NATO alphabet helper that provides words for alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, etc.

8,934 下载


Keep your repo clean with simple CI rules

8,866 下载

chuggle 0.0.2

Based on this

8,709 下载

flipping 0.3

See for example usage

8,664 下载


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

8,661 下载

sadist 0.1.2

Sadist provides a collection of linters and quality tools to abuse your ruby applicatio...

8,610 下载

sixarm_ruby_markdown 3.1.0

Markdown general purpose classes

8,493 下载

iain-metric_fu 0.1.2

A fist full of code metrics

8,412 下载

true_queue 0.9.5

Queue is a proxy to several queueing libraries: a homegrown queue on top of Redis, an i...

8,390 下载

indirect-metric_fu 0.9.0

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

8,220 下载


Gives you a fist full of code metrics

8,192 下载

rakuna-core 1.0.2

Reusable classes and mixins for Webmachine-powered projects. The intent of these is to ...

8,168 下载

foodnutritionix 0.1.4

Get name, search time, unit, qty, weight, nutrients, calories, photo

8,101 下载

danmayer-metric_fu 2.1.3

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

7,998 下载

ios7crypt 0.3

See for example usage

7,924 下载

adorn 0.0.5

A take on decorating objects based on the very valued work done by the [Draper](http://...

7,847 下载

spicycode-the_metric_system 2.3.6

The metric system is an international decimalised system of measurement, first adopted ...

7,776 下载

fluent-plugin-pgdist 0.2.0

Fluentd plugin for distribute insert into PostgreSQL

7,727 下载

universe-testing 0.1.1

gem install universe-testing

7,639 下载

prolog-services-markdown_to_html 1.0.3

The Prolog::Services::MarkdownToHtml class converts valid Markdo...

7,600 下载

devutils-metrics 0.0.2

a small tool for handling subtasks of projects

7,529 下载

rakuna-validation-json 2.0.0

Adds support for validating JSON objects against a JSON schema to your Webmachine resou...

7,454 下载

sync_service 0.1.0

sync_service is a library to create synchronous SOA daemons. It has wrappers around bot...

7,407 下载

rcgtk 3.5.1

The Ruby Code Generation Toolkit provides classes for generating LLVM IR and native obj...

7,328 下载

sixarm_ruby_date_age 2.0.0

Provide Date #age_in_days, #age_in_years

7,298 下载

rb-system-with-aliases 0.2

See for example usage

7,190 下载

sixarm_ruby_markdown_table_of_contents 3.1.0

Generate a Markdown table of contents via headlines, links, and anchors

7,188 下载

rferraz-metric_fu 2.1.2

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats task and ...

7,173 下载

rakuna-session-redis 1.0.2

Adds expiring session support to your Webmachine project, using Redis as a datastore

7,155 下载

下载总量 20,493,885

这个版本 650,688



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
