RubyGems Navigation menu

ffi 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ffi

hashugar 1.0.1

Nested OpenStruct optimized for short-lived objects.

693,872 下載

ffi-win32-extensions 1.0.4

The ffi-win32-extensions library adds additional methods to the FFI and String clas...

685,983 下載

rubyserial 0.6.0

FFI Ruby library for RS-232 serial port communication

660,420 下載

blockcypher-ruby 0.2.7

Ruby library to help you build your crypto application on BlockCypher

648,370 下載

win32-eventlog 0.6.7

The win32-eventlog library provides an interface to the MS Windows event log. Event...

640,590 下載

ffi-extra 0.1.0

Some extra methods for FFI

637,919 下載


Inline C/C++ in Ruby easily and cleanly.

636,157 下載

knife 18.4.2

The knife CLI for Chef Infra.

620,862 下載

rumouse 0.0.7

Cross-platform solution for simulating mouse events

603,078 下載

rautomation 2.0.1

RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...

600,711 下載

rautomation 2.0.1

RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...

600,711 下載

screen-recorder 1.6.0

A Ruby gem to video record and take screenshots of your desktop or specific applicatio...

584,167 下載

rltk 3.0.1

The Ruby Language Toolkit provides classes for creating context-free grammars, lexers, ...

564,721 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

aws-crt 0.2.1

AWS SDK for Ruby - Common Run Time

542,285 下載

ruby-saml-mod 0.3.8

This is an early fork from - I plan to "rebase" t...

537,014 下載

og-corefoundation 0.2.3

FFI based Ruby wrappers for Core Foundation

531,633 下載

webp-ffi 0.4.0

Ruby wrapper for libwebp

527,906 下載


Description of IshManager.

517,815 下載

guard-rack 2.2.1

Automatically reloads your Rack based app on file change using Guard.

506,261 下載

zbar 0.3.0

Ruby bindings for ZBar, a barcode recognition library. Uses FFI to interact with the un...

504,212 下載

cuke_slicer 3.0.0

Slices a Cucumber test suite into the smallest possible executable pieces (i.e. scenari...

498,300 下載

pdk 3.2.0

A CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.

494,717 下載

win32screenshot 5.0.0

Capture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby to bmp, gif, jpg or png formats.

490,787 下載

pocketsphinx-ruby 0.4.0

Provides Ruby FFI bindings for Pocketsphinx, a lightweight speech recognition engine.

474,352 下載

總下載次數 711,686,937

這個版本 803,658



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
