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ffaker 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ffaker

spree_autosuggest 2.2.0

Search suggestions for Spree

12,299 下载


Adds Ebsin Payment Method option in admin, which can be enabled for payments using Ebsi...

12,289 下载

shopping_mall 3.0.1

Multi-tenancy for Spree 3.x.x

12,288 下载

comable-sample 0.7.1

Provide sample data for Comable.

12,180 下载

spree_dwolla 1.0.3

Adds Dwolla as a Payment Method to Spree

12,112 下载

ffaker-cpfcnpj 0.2.1

Gem to extend FFaker to generate valids brazilian CPF or CNPJ

11,863 下载

solidus_sitemap 1.0.0

Provides a sitemap file for Solidus

11,765 下载

active_facets 1.2.5

Fast JSON serializer for nested PORO and ActiveRecord Objects supporting decoration, fi...

11,620 下载

spree_zaez_banner 3.0.4

Extension to manage banner for Spree Commerce

11,591 下载

valid_route 0.0.4

Ensure that your routes don't conflict. Main use cases are for dynamic routes that coul...

11,535 下载

spree_video 1.0.3

This is a gem which helps to add video to each product on spree and defaulty displays a...

11,446 下载

spree_zaez_variants_labels 3.0.5

Permite que o administrador cadastre labels para as variantes dos produtos e as exiba n...

11,417 下载

spree_sort_products 2.0.0

Spree Sort Products extends the ability of a taxon on its products to be sorted from th...

11,325 下载


Extension for Spree that allows customers to share products with their cloud friends fo...

11,301 下载

hey-you-fcm-push 0.3.2

Send fcm pushes via hey-you using google fcm protocol

11,245 下载

spree_contact_us 1.1.0

Reworked the contact_us gem to add a basic contact us form to Spree.

11,131 下载

jsonapi-serializer-formats 0.0.6

A module to enrich JSON:API Serializers ( with co...

11,071 下载

spree_mercado_pago_payment_method 0.2.0

Integrates Mercado Pago with Spree

10,903 下载

spree_recently_sold_products 0.4

This extension displays a list of recently sold products on the home ...

10,646 下载

skimlinks 1.0.1

A simple wrapper around the Skimlinks APIs

10,347 下载

spree_paypal_api_checkout 0.1.5

Adds PayPal API Checkout as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

10,095 下载

spree_channable 0.0.24

Connect your spree store to channable. Receive orders, generate product feeds and send ...

10,055 下载

populate 0.0.2

Populates your development database with fake data

10,006 下载

walletone 0.3.0

Клиент для приема оплаты через

9,928 下载

active_brainz 0.3.1

ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database

9,927 下载

cf_ruby_client 0.11

This gem may be used in rails apps for interacting with CF cloud controller API.

9,800 下载

spree_size_chart 1.1.1

SpreeSizeChart is a spree extension helping your store to provide pertinent product inf...

9,775 下载

spree_mercado_pago 0.2.3

Integrates Mercado Pago with Spree

9,766 下载

spree_abandoned_cart_email 0.0.3

Abandoned cart email

9,751 下载

solidus_geocoding 0.0.2

Add geo-points to Spree::Address model.

9,702 下载

下载总量 49,555,681

这个版本 3,039,243



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
