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Dépendances inversées pour fastlane Latest version of the following gems require fastlane

fastlane-plugin-git_info_extract 0.1.0

Extract JIRA information from git merge

39 254 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-stream_actions 0.3.38

stream custom actions

38 937 Téléchargements

xcskarel 0.16.1

Tool for managing your Xcode Server & Bot configurations from the command line

38 504 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-xcov_report 1.1.3

Generate custom HTML for coverage

38 390 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-bugsee 1.0.4

Bugsee symbols uploader

38 353 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-xcconfig_actions 1.4.2

Adds actions to fastlane to work with xcconfig files

38 240 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-ipa_info 0.8.3

show ipa info

38 142 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-ftp 0.1.5

Simple ftp upload and download for Fastlane

38 012 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-appcenter_get_version 0.1.0

get the latest build version from the app center

37 912 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-android_version_manager 0.4.1

Android's App Version Managment

37 768 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-giffy 0.1.1

Fastlane plugin for API

37 755 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-get_application_id 0.1.2

Get the applicationId of an Android project.

37 180 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-ti_build_app 0.1.0

Build Axway Appcelerator Mobile Applications from within fastlane

37 108 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-android_version_manage 0.1.6

Manage Android App Versioning

36 977 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-souyuz 0.11.1

A fastlane component to make Xamarin builds a breeze

36 468 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-apprepo 0.5.5

Fastlane plugin SFTP/AppRepo uploader

36 399 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-fivethree_ionic 0.2.10

Fastlane plugin for Ionic v4 Projects

36 375 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-get_application_id_flavor 0.1.7

Get the applicationId of an Android project.

36 189 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-perfecto 0.1.3

This plugin allows you to automatically upload ipa/apk files to Perfecto for manual/aut...

36 134 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-pgyer_jvtd 0.3.1


35 778 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-testappio 1.0.5

Deploy your Android & iOS to

35 315 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-match_keystore 0.2.1

Easily sync your Android keystores across your team

34 665 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-android_change_package_name 0.1.9

Change the package name in the AndroidManifest.xml file

34 592 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-accessibility_test 0.1.17

Accessibility test with Firebase Test Lab for Android.

34 588 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-humanable_build_number 0.3.0

Automatic generate app build number unque and human readable friendly, like yymmHHMM. b...

34 238 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-unity 1.1.2

Fastlane plugin for Unity

34 164 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-cerberus 0.1.0

Cerberus is a fastlane plugin for extracting Jira issues from commit messages and shari...

34 030 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-testbm 0.1.25

A Test plugin

34 025 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-get_unprovisioned_devices_from_hockey 0.1.1

Retrieves a list of unprovisioned devices from Hockey which can be passed directly into...

33 407 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-android_keystore 0.1.0

Generate an Android keystore file

33 297 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 130 033 832

Pour cette version 312 147



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6
