RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para faraday_middleware La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren faraday_middleware

omniauth-applicaster 1.8.0

Omniauth strategy for

82.849 Descargas

health_graph 0.7.1

This is a wrapper for RunKeeper Health Graph RESTful API.

81.434 Descargas

cover_my_meds 3.2.7

The public version of CoverMyMeds API

80.681 Descargas

gowalla 0.5.8

Ruby wrapper for the Gowalla API

78.388 Descargas

exact_target_rest 0.2.6

Simple wrapper around ExactTarget REST API. It deals with authorization and with coding...

77.705 Descargas


An easy-to-use client for Zuora.

76.796 Descargas

munson 0.3.1

A JSON API Spec client for Ruby

74.473 Descargas

happi 0.2.0

Simple faraday client preconfigured

74.230 Descargas

checkdin 0.3.9

Ruby gem for interacting with the API. See or http://develo...

73.896 Descargas

api-blueprint 0.16.0

A faster, leaner, and simpler successor to ApiModel. Makes returning objects from api c...

73.638 Descargas

jira-cli 0.4.0

Control JIRA from your terminal

73.450 Descargas

blazeverify 2.0.3

Email Verification that’s astonishingly easy and low-cost. See ...

73.193 Descargas

pupa 0.2.4

A data scraping framework

73.162 Descargas

faraday-log-subscriber 0.2.0

A Log Subscriber for Faraday clients

72.322 Descargas

oneroster 2.3.15

Wrapper for the OneRoster API.

72.089 Descargas

ashikawa-core 0.14.0

Ashikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...

71.343 Descargas

taric 1.0.0

An outrageous Riot Games LoL API Client

70.945 Descargas

zero_push 2.5.1

ZeroPush is a simple service for sending iOS push notifications. (

70.490 Descargas

croudia 1.5.1

Ruby wrapper for the Croudia API

70.369 Descargas

opium 1.5.6

Provides an intuitive, Mongoid-inspired mapping layer between your application's object...

70.299 Descargas

amorail 0.7.2

Ruby API client for AmoCRM. You can integrate your system with it.

69.585 Descargas

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


69.472 Descargas

clonk 2.2.10

Keycloak/RHSSO admin API client

69.153 Descargas

agilecrm-wrapper 1.4.2

Ruby wrapper for Agile CRM API.

68.789 Descargas

takuhai_status 1.9.2

get delivery status of Takuhai-bin in Japan

68.604 Descargas

promoted-ruby-client 5.2.0

This is primarily intended to be used when logging Requests and Insertions on a backend...

68.584 Descargas

enotas_nfe 0.0.41

E-Notas nfe gateway wrapper

68.452 Descargas

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

67.373 Descargas

gemstash 2.7.1

Gemstash acts as a local RubyGems server, caching copies of gems from auto...

67.373 Descargas

almanack 1.3.1

Combined events calendar for Google Calendar, iCal, and friends.

66.400 Descargas

Total de descargas 328.418.923

Para esta versión 104.002.808



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.3
