RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 faraday

edmunds 0.0.8

Gem to wrap API

641,800 下载

wikidata-client 0.1.0

Wikidata API client

638,550 下载

oa-oauth 0.3.2

OAuth strategies for OmniAuth.

611,082 下载

aftership 6.0.0

Developed for easy integration with AfterShip

604,449 下载 1.1.97

The Ruby client.

596,213 下载

dpl-pypi 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

586,359 下载

braze_ruby 0.8.0

Wrapper for Braze API

580,226 下载

omniauth-keycloak 1.5.2

Omniauth strategy for Keycloak

578,367 下载

ops_manager_ui_drivers 2.42.0

Capybara helpers for configuring Pivotal Ops Manager. No longer under active development

570,869 下载

faraday_hal_middleware 0.2.0

Faraday Middleware for JSON HAL requests and responses.

557,585 下载

dpl-npm 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

546,495 下载

test_track_rails_client 7.1.1

Easy split testing and feature flagging for Rails with TestTrack server

545,007 下载

dpl-gcs 1.10.16

deploy tool abstraction for clients

540,867 下载

phaxio 2.1.2

Official ruby gem for interacting with Phaxio's API.

538,481 下载

minitest-vcr 1.4.0

I like MiniTest. I like VCR. I like not having to manage cassetes.

531,892 下载

hypernova 2.0.0

[deprecated] A Ruby client for the Hypernova service

523,883 下载

business_calendar 3.1.1

Helper gem for dealing with business days and date adjustment in multiple countries.

502,804 下载

closeio 3.17.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Close API -- a sales CRM built by salespeople, for salespeople.

494,066 下载

netsoft-danger 0.8.0

Packages a Dangerfile to be used with Danger.

485,149 下载

mackerel-client 0.12.1

Mackerel client is a library to access Mackerel (

470,560 下载

dato 0.8.2

Ruby client for DatoCMS API

469,305 下载

quality 40.0.1

Quality is a tool that runs quality checks on your code using community tools, and make...

467,700 下载

blade-sauce_labs_plugin 0.7.3

Blade Runner plugin for Sauce Labs (

465,475 下载

kennel 1.152.0

Keep datadog monitors/dashboards/etc in version control, avoid chaotic management via UI

464,145 下载

youtube_it 2.4.2

Upload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all from one gem.

462,802 下载

travis_dedup 0.6.0

Stop all builds on the same PR when a new job starts.

457,613 下载

firebase_dynamic_link 3.0.0

Create deep link for web and mobile app using Firebase Dynamic Links service

455,778 下载

infrataster 0.3.2

Infrastructure Behavior Testing Framework

452,366 下载

daddy 0.9.8

Daddy helps me build web applications since daddy knows some good practices.

446,985 下载

faraday-tracer 0.7.0

Faraday OpenTracing middleware

446,199 下载

下载总量 811,583,565

这个版本 1,658,646



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
