RubyGems Navigation menu

fakeredis 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fakeredis

parallel_workforce 4.0.0

Simplify parallel code execution into workers.

9,576 下載

maxwell_agent 0.0.7

Maxwell Agent

9,473 下載

xcflushd 1.2.0

xcflushd is a daemon that connects to a Redis database containing 3scale's XC API Manag...

9,366 下載

von 0.2.0

Von is an opinionated Redis stats tracker.

9,252 下載

active_cash 0.1.3

Write a longer description or delete this line.

9,182 下載

easy_redis_lock 0.0.2

Easy redis locking gem

9,063 下載

lita-howlongtobeat 0.4.0

A Lita handler that returns the average number of hours required to beat a game from ht...

8,836 下載

quandl_location 0.2.0

Provides a library for accessing data from arbitrary key-value storage

8,719 下載

hit_list 1.1.1

Very simple and fast hit and popularity counter using Redis sorted sets.

8,701 下載

sidekiq_job_controller 0.1.0

Sidekiq middleware that allows for immediate control over job processing in Sidekiq, pr...

8,627 下載

rack-u2f 0.1.4

rack middleware to add u2f authentication to a rack app. Includes registration.

8,482 下載

popular_stream 1.1.1

Ruby gem to track popular streams with a redis backend.

8,261 下載

active_redis_stats 0.1.3

Redis based analytics.

8,012 下載

qqq 0.1.2

Print debugging for professionals

7,921 下載

token_redis_session_store 0.1.5

A session store that uses session, json serialization, and gets session fullmeasure fro...

7,903 下載

kyew 0.1.2

Simple redis based queue protocol implementation

7,733 下載

bottleneck 0.4.4

Simple Redis based Rate Limiter for Rails applications

7,587 下載

boletoman 0.0.4

Gerador de boletos registrados.

7,419 下載

ab-split 1.0.2

Rack based split testing framework

7,260 下載

action-handle 0.1.0

Allows distributed handle/lock creation and managament

7,141 下載

sidekiq_monitoring_bitcrowd 0.2.1

This gem has been renamed to 'rails-monitoring'.

6,645 下載

redis-objects-model 1.0.1

The simplest possible model for redis-objects

6,372 下載

api_warden 0.3.0

Use access token to protect your API in rails.

6,183 下載


Simple and fast lock using one single redis call of 'SET k v NX EX'

6,171 下載

weesked 0.0.3

Each time step has its redis list of booked objects

6,113 下載

job_store 0.1.2

Per-job global storage for Sidekiq.

6,077 下載

sxs 0.2.1

SNS/SQS wrapper to make development (Redis) and test (Memory) environment transparent.

6,001 下載

hiatus 0.1.0

This is useful for such things as maintenance mode, testing, and heavy migrations.

5,923 下載

forget_table 0.0.2

An implementation of in ruby

5,700 下載

forever-alone 0.1.1

This gem uses Redis to keep a list of recent text messages. ForeverAlone calculates hex...

5,594 下載

總下載次數 18,311,894

這個版本 907,934



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
