RubyGems Navigation menu

factory_girl_rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 factory_girl_rails

bcms_garment_district 0.1.2

Allow Markdown and Textile to be used for BrowserCMS content.

25,123 下载

simple-pages-rails 0.7.0

This gem provides simple pages with rails engine

25,111 下载

event_sourced_accounting 0.2.6

The Event-Sourced Accounting plugin provides an event-sourced double entry accounting s...

25,013 下载

ecm_downloads 0.0.4

Provides downloads for active admin.

24,999 下载

rocket_docs 0.0.12

Unintrusive interactive API documentation generator for rails apps

24,872 下载

chatty 0.0.6

Making it easy to set it up a live chat on your website.

24,838 下载

activerecord_random 1.0.1

ActiveRecord Random is a Ruby Gem that empowers your ActiveRecord Models with the abili...

24,810 下载

ecm_news2_backend 1.2.6

Provides a ITSF Backend based Backend for ECM News 2

24,700 下载

atreides 2.0.5

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

24,550 下载

ddr-alerts 2.0.0

Alerts for the Duke Digital Repository

24,448 下载

character 1.0.6

Admin framework for rails + mongoid web applications.

24,280 下载


A rails engine that lets you mount a job search engine

24,049 下载

spree_zaez_cielo 3.0.10

Adds Cielo as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

23,955 下载

stiki 0.2.0

A simple wiki Rails engine

23,951 下载

neutral 0.0.10

Rails engine providing positive/negative ajaxful voting solution with FontAwesome integ...

23,863 下载

magnetik 0.1.1

Magnetik is a mountable rails engine that allows a model to be turned into a vessel for...

23,764 下载

qbo_rails 1.0.2

Rails engine that provides QuickBooks Online API error handling.

23,759 下载

quandl_cassandra_models 0.3.14

Quandl cassandra interface. CQL.

23,529 下载

ecm_products 2.0.9.pre

Product management for active admin.

23,461 下载

ratable 0.1.1

A simple RoR gem that provides a lightweight framework for building a rating systems an...

23,436 下载

we_bridge_rails_engine_users 0.1.10

show, create, edit and delete user.

23,293 下载

simple_resource 0.6.1

SimpleResource speeds up development of standard Rails applications by integrating Inhe...

23,229 下载

prefactory 0.8.1

Create factory objects in before-all blocks for fixture-like performance

23,175 下载

accountly 0.0.7

Lightweight administration on top of lobby-gem

23,126 下载

chili_pepper 0.1.7

Using in-place editing etc.

22,988 下载

tenanfy 0.2.0

Offers a opinated use of the Apartment gem.

22,943 下载

meter_cat 5.0.1

This Rails engine makes monitoring the usage history of your Rails environment easier. ...

22,866 下载

admin_engine 1.0.1

A rails engine for adding admin functionality.

22,668 下载

tienda 2.1.3

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application. Bas...

22,646 下载

questionable_surveys 0.3.2

Makes it easy to add and edit forms programatically, specifying select, radio, checkbox...

22,371 下载

下载总量 50,469,896

这个版本 4,293,488



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
