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factory_girl_rails 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 factory_girl_rails

watchmaker 0.2.2

Extract test setup and factory instantiation into reusable objects

22,371 下载

katgut 0.1.0

It Sutures a URL onto another with a redirection path

21,902 下载

inverter 0.5.1

Easy way to connect Rails templates content to CMS. HTML content is marked using specia...

21,845 下载

atomic_cms 0.4.0

Live CMS powered by atomic assets.

21,813 下载

rails_module_unification 0.8.2

Ember's Module Unification brought to Rails

21,645 下载

agent_helpers 0.0.6

Inspects the user agent for you and allows you to take action based on the users browse...

21,616 下载

mks_auth 1.4.0

Authentication module for MKS apps

21,596 下载

limesurvey_rails 1.6.0

A limesurvey plugin for Rails to make an ActiveRecord model able to participate to Lime...

21,582 下载

apipony 0.0.9

Easy Rails API documentation.

21,517 下载

tandem 0.2.5

A lightweight CMS for Rails 3.1+

21,455 下载

ecm_cms_core 0.0.8

Database backed templates and partials.

21,290 下载

unsakini 0.0.5

Unsakini is an open source encrypted bulletin board created with the aim of evading ...

21,266 下载

booter 0.3.1

Twitter bootstrap for Rails

21,201 下载

shopqi-app-webhook 0.1.6

ShopQi app webhook engine.

21,045 下载

storytime-admin 0.2.5

A simple alternative to Active Admin and Rails Admin

21,004 下载

asyncapi-server 1.3.2

Asynchronous API communication - Server

20,929 下载

pg_translatable 0.0.8

Store translations in your PG database as HSTORE, JSON or JSONB.

20,837 下载

family_gallery 0.0.8

A picture gallery supporting tagging, groups and much more.

20,831 下载

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

20,806 下载

errorkit 0.3.2

ErrorKit allows you to track errors within your application and generate a notification...

20,800 下载

kkt_shoppe 2.0.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

20,776 下载

rubygems_herald 1.0.1

This project has been renamed to Museum. This version has been abandoned and remains he...

20,693 下载

ecm_sliders 1.0.4.pre

ECM Module Template.

20,692 下载

maily_herald 0.9.4

Email processing solution for Ruby on Rails applications

20,632 下载

formbuilder-rb 0.2.4

This is a Rails Engine for

20,559 下载

task-manager 0.1.7

TaskManager can help you to manage your routine tasks effectually.

20,474 下载

qlive-rspec 0.4.3

Run qlive-rails qunit javascript tests headlessly alongside your normal rspec integrati...

20,464 下载

activetracker 0.4.9

ActiveTracker is a self-hosted website (combined with this rubygem) to track user reque...

20,347 下载

static_content 2.0.1

static_content provides a simple way of outputting static content in your app.

20,319 下载

smug 0.1.9

Write a longer description or delete this line.

20,187 下载

下载总量 50,478,113

这个版本 4,295,560



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
