factory_girl_railsの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はfactory_girl_railsを必要としています
schedule_fu 0.2
ScheduleFu allows scheduling events with dates and times. It includes both the model an...
4,294 ダウンロード数
favorite_it 0.0.1
Favorite stuff with this gem.
4,282 ダウンロード数
coca 0.1.0
Coca is a chainable, devise-based scheme for delegation of authentication. It works thr...
4,281 ダウンロード数
coca 0.1.0
Coca is a chainable, devise-based scheme for delegation of authentication. It works thr...
4,281 ダウンロード数
seedable 0.0.1
Allows for quick serialization/deserialization of objects for moving between environments.
4,251 ダウンロード数
active_present 0.1.0
Presenters for rails.
4,233 ダウンロード数
windbag 0.0.1
Windbag is the event notification system extracted from MLG Starcraft Arena
4,216 ダウンロード数
ember_auth_rails 0.1.0
4,110 ダウンロード数
multi-step 0.0.1
Multi-Step is a Rails engine for easily creating multi step forms (i.e. form wizard)
4,102 ダウンロード数
spree_myriad_options 0.1.0
lets the customer choose any combination of Option Values for a Product when adding to ...
4,060 ダウンロード数
etat 0.0.1
Etat is a minimalistic gem to help you (me, for now) manage some states in your Rails app.
4,041 ダウンロード数
openproject-global_roles 1.0.0
Adds global roles not bound to a project. A user can have a global role allowing to p...
4,023 ダウンロード数
charting_ui 0.1.3
Will draw chart
3,975 ダウンロード数
numbered_relationships 0.2
Amount-based filtering for AR Models and Associations
3,966 ダウンロード数
sigame 0.0.1
Allow users to follow each other.
3,918 ダウンロード数
acts_as_warnable 0.1.0
Allows models to issue warnings if a task goes wrong
3,911 ダウンロード数
distribute_tree 0.0.1
用于实现单个Cloud和多个Local服务器之间数据共享的 Rails Engine 。
3,906 ダウンロード数
resourcery 0.0.1
Simple serving of RESTful resources.
3,895 ダウンロード数
buttafly 0.0.1
Upload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...
3,890 ダウンロード数
choo_choo 0.0.1
Lightweight dynamic activity feed.
3,886 ダウンロード数
quickening 0.1.1
Quickening is a Rails gem for adding to your model a facility to query and manage dupli...
3,880 ダウンロード数
postablr 0.0.1
Postablr a mountable blog engine similar with focus on tumblr entries style
3,877 ダウンロード数
fancy_table 0.1.0
Create fancy tables which are semantic HTML5, are easy tostyle, and are beautiful.
3,854 ダウンロード数
search_steroids 0.0.1
maintain a table of search terms indexed by a trigram index, for use fixing spelling er...
3,844 ダウンロード数
xbmc-sql 0.0.2
ActiveRecord models for the XBMC database
3,842 ダウンロード数
Elysium is a powerful Rails 4 Editable Template Engine
3,826 ダウンロード数
worth_saving 0.0.9
Helps users of your app recover work by auto-saving drafts
3,807 ダウンロード数
rs_yettings 0.0.1
Yettings uses encrypted YML files that allow you to safely store sensitive configuratio...
3,785 ダウンロード数
hertz-courier-intercom 1.0.0
An Intercom courier for Hertz.
3,749 ダウンロード数
enju_trunk_subject 1.0.4
Subject and classification management for EnjuTrunk
3,743 ダウンロード数