RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para factory_girl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren factory_girl

devise-multi_auth 0.3.2

A Devise plugin for exposing multiple authentication providers via omniauth.

26.875 Descargas

gritter_notices 0.4.0

Provide `notice` method to user model to save notices and to shows them later in views ...

26.821 Descargas

restpack_activity_service 0.0.13

RestPack Activity Services

26.750 Descargas

tengine_job 1.2.2

tengine_job provides jobnet management

26.605 Descargas

data-com-api 0.2.1

Ruby bindings for API ( Salesforce, ex Jigsaw )

26.220 Descargas

signet-rails 0.0.9

A wrapper around the Google Signet OAuth Library

26.079 Descargas

warden_oauth_provider 1.0.7

Warden strategy for OAuth provider

25.698 Descargas

attr_searchable 0.0.7

[DEPRECATION] 'attr_searchable' is deprecated. Migrate to 'search_cop' instead.

25.575 Descargas

solidus_searchkick 0.3.4

Filters, suggests, autocompletes, sortings, searches

25.533 Descargas

spec_producer 0.13.0

This gem reads through the files of the rails app and produces as many specs as possible.

25.405 Descargas

ohio_state_person 0.3.6

requires fields: name_n, emplid; sets id to emplid.to_i; provides a search method; etc.

25.231 Descargas

spud_videos 1.0.1

This is a basic vide management admin tool for spud. Useful for allowing customers to a...

25.172 Descargas

event_sourced_accounting 0.2.6

The Event-Sourced Accounting plugin provides an event-sourced double entry accounting s...

25.022 Descargas

devise-radius-authenticatable 0.0.6

A new authentication strategy named radius_authenticatable is added to the list of ward...

24.988 Descargas

mongo_batch 0.1.1

A library to iterate over entire Mongo collections or large queries exposing an API...

24.838 Descargas

php-composer 0.4.5

A ruby gem library for consistent interactions with php composer dependency manager.

24.774 Descargas

tools-cf-plugin 3.0.0

Cloud Foundry tooling commands.

24.547 Descargas

engrade 1.2.3

Basic ruby wrapper for the Engrade API

24.382 Descargas

spree_variant_options 0.4.1

Spree Variant Options is a simple spree extension that replaces the radio-button varian...

24.349 Descargas

spree_postal_service 2.4.0

Calculate weight based charges for a Spree order

24.345 Descargas

spud_permalinks 1.0.0

This gem creates a polymorphic attachable model that can be used to store historical in...

24.330 Descargas

hrt_bus 0.0.7

Bus number, route, GPS coordiantes, early/ontime/late and more

24.199 Descargas

art-gun 0.1.8

A Ruby wrapper to access Art-Gun's API.

24.047 Descargas

spree_zaez_cielo 3.0.10

Adds Cielo as a Payment Method to Spree Commerce

23.977 Descargas

factory_girl_remote_strategy 0.0.9

FactoryGirl strategy for ActiveResource models.

23.825 Descargas

sidekiq-activerecord 0.0.6

Encapsulates various interactions between Sidekiq and ActiveRecord

23.806 Descargas

spree_grid_feed 1.1.8

Adds both /products.xml and /t/taxon.xml product feeds

23.769 Descargas

spree_carousels 1.2.6

Adds carousel functionality to spree homepage, based on taxons

23.712 Descargas

evernote_utils 0.1.3

A thin OOP-friendly wrapper of Evernote Ruby SDK.

23.628 Descargas

suit 0.3.0

A collection of commonly used rspec matchers

23.495 Descargas

Total de descargas 65.593.036

Para esta versión 8.468.396



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
