RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para execjs La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren execjs

ruby-jade 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper for the Jade templating language

4.228 Descargas

herman-haml-sprockets 0.0.8

Use the JST processor and have haml code read in and appended to application.js

4.216 Descargas

ruby-coco 0.1.0

Ruby Coco is a bridge to the JS Coco compiler.

4.195 Descargas

processingjs 0.0.1

Ruby Processingjs is a bridge to the JS Processingjs compiler.

4.068 Descargas

jsx 0.0.1

Transform JSX to JavaScript from Ruby. Includes a Tilt template for use with Sinatra (o...

4.062 Descargas

underscore-template 0.0.1

Compile and evaluate underscore templates from Ruby.

4.059 Descargas

simple_jshint 0.0.1

A simple API to let you lint your code.

4.024 Descargas

roy-lang 0.0.2

Ruby Roy is a bridge to the Roy JS compiler.

3.999 Descargas

rails-hamljs 0.0.1

Clientide Haml JS templates for rails that "just work" (like they should). Why another...

3.953 Descargas

dashing-beanstalk 1.3.2

This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widgets. ...

3.919 Descargas

rbootstrap 1.1.2

rbootstrap project integrates RTL Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline

3.897 Descargas

kramdown-katex 0.1.1

Kramdown syntax plugin for using KaTeX at server side.

3.857 Descargas

cough-syrup 0.0.0

Ruby CoughSyrup is a bridge to the JS CoughSyrup transpiler.

3.739 Descargas

lodash-assets 0.0.1

Use compiled Lo-Dash templates with Sprockets

3.738 Descargas

spotify_web 0.0.1

Spotify Web API for Ruby

3.672 Descargas

jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingual 0.0.2

Plugin "jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingual" is "jekyll-lunr-js-search" plugin but with ...

3.662 Descargas

rake-pipeline-typescript 0.1.0

A typescript web filter for rake-pipeline

3.661 Descargas


Jade adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

3.648 Descargas

nov-stylus 1.0.3

Bridge library to compile .styl stylesheets from ruby code.

3.614 Descargas

sprockets-ngmin 0.4.1

Generic ngmin post-processor for Sprockets, based on ngmin-rails

3.613 Descargas

jot-ruby-js 0.1.4

Wrapper for original JOT impl, compatible with jot-ruby gem

3.604 Descargas

devise_users 0.0.1

Rails 4 engine for managing devise users

3.549 Descargas

photolayout 0.1.1

Photolayout from Evlaa !

3.526 Descargas

middleman-core-with-external-sources-watch-fix 4.1.10

Contains patch A static site generato...

3.504 Descargas

ejs-patched 2.0.1

Compile and evaluate EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates from Ruby.

3.503 Descargas

sibilant-rails 0.0.1

Sibilant adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

3.496 Descargas

ketan-mithril_rails 0.0.7

Easily compile HTML into Rails views for Mithril.

3.478 Descargas

hca 0.1.0

Compiles HAML CoffeScript templates into a client-side JavaScript code

3.437 Descargas

type-script 1.0.0

Ruby TypeScript is a bridge to the JS TypeScript transpiler.

3.380 Descargas

middleman-frontkit 0.0.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

3.319 Descargas

Total de descargas 320.319.372

Para esta versión 8.199.558



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
