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Dependencias inversas para execjs La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren execjs

cssesc 0.1.1

Ruby wrapper for a JavaScript library for escaping CSS strings and identifiers

6.399 Descargas

handlebars-amd-rails 1.0.0

Use Handlebars templates precompiled and wrapped in a AMD define block, with the asset ...

6.346 Descargas

ruby-bower 0.0.1

A ruby wrapper for Bower

6.305 Descargas

turfjs 0.0.9

Turf.js is an advanced geospatial analasis library for GeoJSON data.

6.288 Descargas

dotjs_sprockets 0.1.1

doT.js templates for sprockets powered by ExecJS.

6.247 Descargas

imba-template 0.1.0

Bridge to the Imba compiler

5.923 Descargas

sprockets_cdn 0.1.1

a cdn assets for sprockets, upload assets to upyun/qiniu

5.884 Descargas

jsshuffle 0.0.2

A library to just-in-time randomly obfuscate JS

5.782 Descargas

middleman-cj 3.3.6

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

5.757 Descargas

ruby-wisp 0.1.0

Ruby Wisp is a bridge to the JS Wisp compiler

5.734 Descargas

render_react 1.0.2

Lo-fi way of rendering React components.

5.648 Descargas

booster 0.0.1

Integrates with Rails 3.x Asset Pipeline with some Backbone.js support

5.531 Descargas

spread_beaver 0.0.2

Server side Javascript runner in Ruby on Rails.

5.146 Descargas

execjs-pcruntime 0.2.2

Fast ExecJS Runtime using Process as a Context.

5.101 Descargas

middleman-ngmin 0.4.1

Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.

5.079 Descargas

dust_assets 0.0.5

Compile Dust templates in the Rails asset pipeline.

5.059 Descargas

geoloqi-sinatra-sprockets 0.0.3

Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.

4.929 Descargas

m_translator 0.1.4

a gem is translation package

4.891 Descargas

jshint_ruby 0.1

API to lint your javascript source code from ruby

4.809 Descargas

ruby-requirejs 0.1.0

Support of requirejs in ruby/rails projects

4.719 Descargas

iced-coffee-script 2.2.0

Ruby IcedCoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.

4.688 Descargas

myth 1.0.2

Ruby Myth is a bridge to the CSS Myth preprocessor.

4.665 Descargas

jsv.rb 0.0.1.pre2

Provides access to JSV, a JSON Schema validator, from Ruby

4.604 Descargas

sc20-rails 0.0.1.pre.3

Sproutcore 2.0 engine for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.

4.599 Descargas

coffee-script-redux 0.0.1

Ruby CoffeeScriptRedux is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScriptRedux compiler.

4.506 Descargas

sweetjs 0.1.0

See for more information about Sweet.js macros

4.496 Descargas

idecoder 0.1.2

Now you can easily put an editor inside your project. With environment variables reader...

4.472 Descargas

csscompress 0.2.2

CSS minification with Ruby using ExecJS and Node.js' CSSO. Integrates with Sprockets wh...

4.424 Descargas

holmes 0.0.1

Parse require calls out of JavaScript

4.380 Descargas

guard-hogan 0.0.1

Compiles your Hogan mustache templates with Guard

4.300 Descargas

Total de descargas 320.162.352

Para esta versión 8.150.961



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
