RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para excon La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren excon

acw 1.3.3

Active Campaign Wrapper.

14.776 Descargas


The Ruby cloud services library.

14.683 Descargas

hobelar 0.0.4

Hobelar talks to reconnoiter's noit rest interface

14.683 Descargas

zaws 0.1.1

the zaws gem provides command line tools for interfacing with AWS through the AWS CLI. ...

14.675 Descargas

dashboarder 0.0.4

a lightweight composer for librato instruments and dashboards

14.482 Descargas

resty_test 0.2.2

Test OpenResty with your favourite test framework!

14.439 Descargas

consul_bridge 0.1.5

Discover consul master nodes and join local agent

14.181 Descargas

dezi-client 1.1.2

Ruby client for the Dezi search engine. See

13.806 Descargas

ontologies_api_client 0.0.6

Models and serializers for ontologies and related artifacts backed by 4store

13.715 Descargas

so_stub_very_test 0.1.0

build sensible default Excon stubs...and then build more of them

13.382 Descargas

embulk-output-elasticsearch_ruby 0.1.6

Dumps records to Elasticsearch Ruby. Elasticsearch 1.X AND 2.X AND 5.X compatible.

13.111 Descargas

cottus 0.3.0

HTTP client for making requests against a set of hosts

13.093 Descargas

fakerclip 0.1.1

Simulate writing and reading from S3 by using your filesystem as a Fake S3.

13.078 Descargas

cts-mpx 1.2.0


13.013 Descargas

difi 0.0.5

Exploit public information from the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernm...

12.937 Descargas

dockerlib-remote 0.1.5

Docker remote api

12.934 Descargas

bukovina 0.99

Bukovina is the Orthodox Christian God-service library

12.840 Descargas

cloudcost 0.4.1

Calculate server costs from the current deployment

12.564 Descargas

vault-invoice-builder-client 0.0.7

Client for Vault::InvoiceBuilder

12.535 Descargas

totango 0.0.1

Ruby client for sending events to Totango

12.534 Descargas

influxdb-lineprotocol-writer 0.2.1

This is a very basic gem that provides a library that, via Excon, reliably publishes me...

12.467 Descargas

wwdc 1.1.1

A command-line interface for accessing WWDC session content

12.363 Descargas

barnesandnoble 0.3.0

A Ruby wrapper for Barnes and Noble Product Web Services

12.135 Descargas

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

12.096 Descargas

prx_access 0.3.1

PRX Access is a gem to supply authentication headers and descend the HAL hypermedia lin...

12.063 Descargas

http_event_logger 0.1.0

Logs HTTP events (connections, requests and responses). A number of HTTP libraries are...

11.938 Descargas

govuk-pay-api-client 0.1.5

An API client to handle Govuk Pay interactions

11.932 Descargas

poring_backup 0.0.7

Poring Backup is database backup that support rails.

11.694 Descargas

forecaster 1.0.1

Wrapper around wgrib2 to read data directly from the Global Forecast System

11.679 Descargas

consul_stockpile 0.1.5

Bootstrap and backup for consul kv store

11.552 Descargas

Total de descargas 488.702.508

Para esta versión 10.297.785



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
