RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para excon La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren excon

eveapi 0.1.3

ruby API Client for the space based MMO EVEOnline

18.892 Descargas

cloudhealth-setup 0.0.16

Configures an Amazon AWS account for use with the CloudHealth service, including creati...

18.877 Descargas

dry-dock 0.2.0

A Dockerfile-replacement DSL for building complex images

18.838 Descargas

refocus 0.1.9

Ruby client for

18.434 Descargas

binnacle 0.5.0

Binnacle Distributed Logging and Push Service. See

18.151 Descargas

rpw 1.4.1

A CLI for the Rails Performance Workshop.

17.954 Descargas

logplex-client 0.1.8

A client and library for Logplex

17.947 Descargas

gapinc-fog 1.14.0

The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rack...

17.854 Descargas

pingdom-client 0.0.6.alpha

Pingdom Ruby Client

17.799 Descargas

courtfinder-client 0.0.6 API client

17.286 Descargas

progresso 0.2.0

Progresso API client

17.116 Descargas

cnf 1.6.2

Fetches stack configuration

17.079 Descargas

s3search 0.0.6

Ruby implementation of the S3Search API

16.889 Descargas

russian_post 0.1.4

Russian Post tracking toolset, consisting tracking form bot (since Russian Post is too ...

16.860 Descargas

telbe 0.0.9

Still in development. A Telegram Bot Engine that eventually will support all of Telegra...

16.804 Descargas

rackspace-fog 1.4.2

Rackspace fork of fog.

16.390 Descargas

cloud-queues 1.0.4

cloud-queues ================ Basic (unoffical) ruby interface into Rackspace Cloud Qu...

15.995 Descargas

opentsdb-consumer 0.6.0

Client library to consume metrics from OpenTSDB

15.989 Descargas

zippopotamus-client 0.2.0

Client for API

15.951 Descargas

roadforest 0.7

RoaD FoReST is a web framework designed to use the Resource Description Framework to ...

15.829 Descargas

kt 0.4.0

Kyoto Tycoon client

15.686 Descargas

fixer_client 0.1.4

Client for the fixer application.

15.234 Descargas

scaltainer 0.6.0

A ruby gem inspired by HireFire to autoscale kubernetes controllers and docker services...

15.217 Descargas

alluc 1.1.0

'ALluc API'

15.208 Descargas

tsdb_time_series 4.1.2

Provides a set of tools for working with time series data in OpenTSDB data store

15.198 Descargas

ey-provisioner 1.0.3

Ruby based client gem for interacting with the EngineYard Instance Provisioning API

15.153 Descargas

backup-ssh 4.4.5

Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...

15.007 Descargas

bookdepository 0.1.0 API wrapper

14.789 Descargas

quickapps_feedback 0.1.5

Simple sinatra rack middleware for quickapps feedback

14.789 Descargas

dawn-api 0.11.2

Dawn Client API

14.785 Descargas

Total de descargas 488.365.254

Para esta versión 10.137.639



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
