RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para excon La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren excon

rest 3.0.8

Rest client wrapper that chooses best installed client.

1.216.283 Descargas

bing_ads_ruby_sdk 1.6

Bing Ads Api Wrapper

1.057.571 Descargas

dapp 0.36.32

Build docker packaged apps using chef or shell

926.716 Descargas

percy-client 2.1.1


871.548 Descargas

travis-artifacts 0.3.0

Travis build artifacts tools

870.218 Descargas

bosh_openstack_cpi 2.1.3

BOSH OpenStack CPI

838.814 Descargas

hot_tub 1.1.0

Flexible connection pooling for Ruby.

766.323 Descargas

wikidata-client 0.1.0

Wikidata API client

637.612 Descargas

neography 1.8.0

A Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API see

534.048 Descargas

postcodes_io 0.4.0

Get rich data from postcode lookups. Wraps

465.292 Descargas

youtube_it 2.4.2

Upload, delete, update, comment on youtube videos all from one gem.

461.580 Descargas

megam_api 1.52.6

Ruby Client for the Megam vertice. Performs REST calls to Vertice Gateway - http://git...

449.560 Descargas

ably-rest 1.2.5

A Ruby REST only client library for realtime messaging

431.904 Descargas

kontena-cli 1.5.4

Command-line client for the Kontena container and microservices platform

387.645 Descargas

rack-client 0.4.2

A client wrapper around a Rack app or HTTP

352.668 Descargas

simple_spark 1.0.12

An alternative to the official SparkPost Ruby gem

321.905 Descargas

k8s-ruby 0.16.0

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

321.399 Descargas

ironfan 6.1.9

Ironfan allows you to orchestrate not just systems, but clusters of machines. It includ...

304.930 Descargas

k8s-client 0.10.4

Kubernetes client library

302.992 Descargas

mortar 0.15.53

Client library and command-line tool to interact with the Mortar service.

301.741 Descargas

packagecloud-ruby 1.0.8

library for interacting with

292.491 Descargas

centurion 1.10.2

A deployment tool for Docker. Takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on ...

264.951 Descargas

pebblebed 0.4.11

Development tools for working with Pebblebed

246.719 Descargas

stretcher 1.21.1

The elegant ElasticSearch client

245.740 Descargas

concourse.rb 0.5.0

A Ruby SDK for the Concourse CI API.

235.080 Descargas

contrast-agent 7.6.0

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

233.583 Descargas

zillabyte-cli 0.9.51

The Official Zillabyte CLI Gem

233.178 Descargas

maremma 5.0.0

Ruby utility library for network requests. Based on Faraday and Excon, provides a wrapp...

227.956 Descargas

cloud66_agent 1.4.5

See for more info

227.589 Descargas

dockly 4.4.1

Packaging made easy

221.118 Descargas

Total de descargas 476.841.557

Para esta versión 5.989.042



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
