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erubis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 erubis

ocs 0.0.7

Ocs is an objective CloudStack API client.

16,308 下载

tane 0.0.5

This gem provides all the tools necessary to develop a rails app meant for deployment o...

16,149 下载

rails_api_benchmark 0.2.4

Benchmark your API endpoints and get the results fast ! This gem leverages the power of...

16,104 下载

international 0.3.4

Convert CSV to localization strings, for both ANDROID and iOS

15,847 下载

vebdew 0.2.0

Generate HTML5 slides

15,806 下载

keymap 0.3.2

Helping Ruby developers and their companies, unlock their key-value store data, through...

15,793 下载

datastory 0.0.5

Tell stories about data and share your work.

15,783 下载

rakegen 0.6.6

Generation and updation of projects from templates. Rake-powered, for sustainable blah...

15,401 下载

chef-fork 0.2.0

A tool for your left hand, to have a meal cooked by chef.

15,222 下载

Pistos-ramaze 2009.06.12

Ramaze is a simple and modular web framework

15,124 下载

wukong-deploy 0.2.0

The Infochimps Platform is an end-to-end, managed solution for building Big Data appl...

15,108 下载

coolstrap-generator 0.1.4

App Generator for coolstrap mobile framework

15,028 下载

guide-em-up 0.3.1

Slide'em up is a tool for writing guides in markdown

14,892 下载

rpgem 0.1.4

RPGem will create a binary RPM with the compiled extensions, which you can install on a...

14,601 下载

erb2haml_cli 0.0.4

A simple script to convernt all erb files to haml under directory

14,192 下载

buildhawk 0.2.1

Display historical stats about your build

14,184 下载

rayo 0.3.1

Lightweight CMS based on Sinatra framework, where data are stored in file system (and s...

14,175 下载

nchosts 0.0.6

command to collect hosts info

14,160 下载

sinatra-mvc 0.0.4

A custom MVC stack that tries to keep the lightweight Sinatra feeling, while adding str...

14,038 下载

bmhatfield-vagrant 1.0.10

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

13,974 下载

wakame-dolphin 0.0.5

notification service

13,821 下载

kilza 1.0.7

Ruby gem that can convert JSON strings in Objects. It supports Objective-C and Java...

13,740 下载

mdextab 0.1.9

mainly extend table tag of HTML5 of Makrdown on Pandoc.

13,668 下载

saral 0.1.0

A Rack-based Web Framework built by RubyLearning (Beta).

13,668 下载

cvgen 0.0.5

Because everybody hates word processors

13,560 下载


Temporary fork of better_errors with some performance improvements.

13,509 下载

chuusha 0.2.0

Chuusha allows you to evaluate both javascript and css templates within the same con...

13,428 下载

logonxc 0.4.0

Parse basic logo and output NXC for Lego Mindstorms

13,354 下载

mountain_berry_fields 1.0.3

Test code samples embedded in files like readmes

13,334 下载

erbtex 0.4.4

erbtex will act just like pdflatex except that it will process rub...

13,151 下载

下载总量 269,760,693

这个版本 262,388,125


需要的 Ruby 版本:
