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Dépendances inversées pour em-synchrony Latest version of the following gems require em-synchrony

zebra 1.0.1

Zebra is a HTTP proxy server that uses ZMQ as the wire protocol between HTTP proxy gate...

7 285 Téléchargements

em-zimbreasy 0.0.8

A no-nonsense async gem for the nonsensical Zimbra API.

7 016 Téléchargements

redis-sentinel2 1.3.1

another redis automatic master/slave failover solution for ruby by using built-in redis...

6 997 Téléchargements

mq-tail 0.0.3

A tail like utility for watching a RabbitMQ queue.

6 962 Téléchargements

synchrony_sunspot 0.0.2

Provides an em-synchrony compatible rsolr connection driver & overrides Sunspot's conne...

6 961 Téléchargements

resque-kalashnikov 1.1.1

Handles your HTTP requests in background in non-blocking way using Resque worker

6 443 Téléchargements

rackdis 0.14.pre.beta

A Ruby clone of the awesome Webdis Redis web API

6 346 Téléchargements

alo7-net 0.1.1

alo7-net is the TCP server/client library we developed specifically for our ALO7 Learni...

6 256 Téléchargements

colloquy 1.0.1

Colloquy is an evented framework for building fast and efficient USSD applications in R...

6 187 Téléchargements

blodsband 0.0.2

An event-machine based riak client with some extra relationship support.

6 107 Téléchargements

noder 0.0.2

Node.js for Ruby

6 061 Téléchargements

wamp_server 0.2

WAMPv1 compliant server to be used as a skeleton for nice and shining Ruby apps, based ...

6 059 Téléchargements

httpalooza 1.0.1

HTTPalooza brings together the best Ruby HTTP clients on one stage.

5 224 Téléchargements

cosmicrawler 0.0.1

Cosmicrawler is crawler library for Ruby. It provides scalable asynchronous crawling by...

5 171 Téléchargements

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4 780 Téléchargements

em-flickraw 0.8.5

Event machine based flickr library with a syntax close to the syntax described on http:...

4 561 Téléchargements

em-twitter-client 0.0.1

Event Machined API to access twitter via rest

4 559 Téléchargements

em-console 1.0.0

A simple console running an irb-like environment in an EventMachine-friendly way.

4 485 Téléchargements

fraggle-synchrony 0.0.1

An em-synchrony wrapper for fraggle

4 478 Téléchargements

em-facebook 0.1.0

EM-Synchrony based Facebook Graph API client

4 457 Téléchargements

em-nordnet 0.0.1

REST API and Socket Wrapper for Nordnet using Eventmachine

4 280 Téléchargements

RedAdmiral 0.0.1

Prepares hosts/networks/etc to become part of a stated Mercury environment

4 250 Téléchargements

son_of_a_batch 0.0.2

Smelt from a plentiferous gallimaufry of requests an agglomerated bale of responses. Wi...

4 158 Téléchargements

transceiver 0.0.1

Transceiver is a framework for developing services designed to receive and transmit dat...

4 052 Téléchargements

log_replayer 0.0.4

Reads access logs and replays them

3 924 Téléchargements

document-store 1.0.0

This wrapper provides a minimalistic interfaced to document-based databases. It include...

3 918 Téléchargements

em_hessian2 2.0.0

json encode fast, hessian write small.

3 890 Téléchargements

cocaine-framework-ruby 0.11.2

Cocaine Framework is a framework for simplifying development both server-side and clien...

3 849 Téléchargements

sync-em-pg 0.0.1

em-pg on fibers

3 785 Téléchargements

xignite_synchrony 0.1.0

Access the Xignite financial data web services with Ruby library. Make HTTP requests sy...

3 740 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 10 297 691

Pour cette version 8 735 833



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
