RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para em-synchrony La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren em-synchrony

zebra 1.0.1

Zebra is a HTTP proxy server that uses ZMQ as the wire protocol between HTTP proxy gate...

7.330 Descargas

em-zimbreasy 0.0.8

A no-nonsense async gem for the nonsensical Zimbra API.

7.073 Descargas

redis-sentinel2 1.3.1

another redis automatic master/slave failover solution for ruby by using built-in redis...

7.041 Descargas

synchrony_sunspot 0.0.2

Provides an em-synchrony compatible rsolr connection driver & overrides Sunspot's conne...

7.006 Descargas

mq-tail 0.0.3

A tail like utility for watching a RabbitMQ queue.

7.005 Descargas

resque-kalashnikov 1.1.1

Handles your HTTP requests in background in non-blocking way using Resque worker

6.488 Descargas

rackdis 0.14.pre.beta

A Ruby clone of the awesome Webdis Redis web API

6.400 Descargas

alo7-net 0.1.1

alo7-net is the TCP server/client library we developed specifically for our ALO7 Learni...

6.319 Descargas

colloquy 1.0.1

Colloquy is an evented framework for building fast and efficient USSD applications in R...

6.242 Descargas

blodsband 0.0.2

An event-machine based riak client with some extra relationship support.

6.138 Descargas

noder 0.0.2

Node.js for Ruby

6.108 Descargas

wamp_server 0.2

WAMPv1 compliant server to be used as a skeleton for nice and shining Ruby apps, based ...

6.097 Descargas

httpalooza 1.0.1

HTTPalooza brings together the best Ruby HTTP clients on one stage.

5.274 Descargas

cosmicrawler 0.0.1

Cosmicrawler is crawler library for Ruby. It provides scalable asynchronous crawling by...

5.197 Descargas

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4.809 Descargas

em-twitter-client 0.0.1

Event Machined API to access twitter via rest

4.589 Descargas

em-flickraw 0.8.5

Event machine based flickr library with a syntax close to the syntax described on http:...

4.588 Descargas

em-console 1.0.0

A simple console running an irb-like environment in an EventMachine-friendly way.

4.518 Descargas

fraggle-synchrony 0.0.1

An em-synchrony wrapper for fraggle

4.508 Descargas

em-facebook 0.1.0

EM-Synchrony based Facebook Graph API client

4.488 Descargas

em-nordnet 0.0.1

REST API and Socket Wrapper for Nordnet using Eventmachine

4.310 Descargas

RedAdmiral 0.0.1

Prepares hosts/networks/etc to become part of a stated Mercury environment

4.274 Descargas

son_of_a_batch 0.0.2

Smelt from a plentiferous gallimaufry of requests an agglomerated bale of responses. Wi...

4.184 Descargas

transceiver 0.0.1

Transceiver is a framework for developing services designed to receive and transmit dat...

4.076 Descargas

log_replayer 0.0.4

Reads access logs and replays them

3.949 Descargas

document-store 1.0.0

This wrapper provides a minimalistic interfaced to document-based databases. It include...

3.948 Descargas

em_hessian2 2.0.0

json encode fast, hessian write small.

3.918 Descargas

cocaine-framework-ruby 0.11.2

Cocaine Framework is a framework for simplifying development both server-side and clien...

3.875 Descargas

sync-em-pg 0.0.1

em-pg on fibers

3.809 Descargas

xignite_synchrony 0.1.0

Access the Xignite financial data web services with Ruby library. Make HTTP requests sy...

3.764 Descargas

Total de descargas 10.359.994

Para esta versión 8.797.489



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
