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elasticsearch 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 elasticsearch

observed-logstash 0.1.0


3,595 下載

documentation-elasticsearch 1.0.0

Adds support for Elasticsearch to the Documentation gem

3,588 下載

elasticsearch-store 0.0.1

ElasticSearch-backed Ruby on Rails cache.

3,551 下載

supple 0.1.0

A modern es plugin

3,492 下載

fracas 0.0.1

Write a longer description. Optional.

3,410 下載

springy 0.1.1

ActiveRecord-like query builder for Elasticsearch

3,375 下載

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-sm 1.4.1

ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

3,363 下載

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-check-size 0.1.0

ElasticSearch output plugin for Fluent event collector

3,358 下載

logstash-output-elasticsearch-leprechaun-fork 1.0.8

Output events to elasticsearch

3,288 下載

caoutsearch 0.0.7

An alternative approach to index & search with Elasticsearch & Ruby on Rails

3,261 下載

peruse 0.4.0

Human-friendly query language for Elasticsearch. Formerly known as plunk.

3,259 下載

es_utils 0.0.1

Utils library for elasticsearch gem

3,242 下載

es-cli 0.0.1

A description of your project

3,213 下載

ohm-elasticsearch 0.0.1

Very small ruby implementation for Elasticsearch ( and...

3,207 下載

swell 0.1.0

Use POROs to define ElasticSearch indexes

3,180 下載

elasticsearch-persistence-queryable 0.1.9

Persistence layer for Ruby models and Elasticsearch.

3,179 下載

secateurs 0.1.0

Secateurs is a tool to manage Elasticsearch Index Template.

3,167 下載

elasticsearch-model-queryable 0.1.9

ActiveModel/Record integrations for Elasticsearch.

3,144 下載

metrics-capacitor-engine 0.0.1

Engine (workers) for Metrics Capacitor

3,110 下載

elastic_results 1.0.2

Formatters to shove test results into elastic search

3,108 下載

cabin-es 0.0.1

ElasticSearch output provider for the Ruby Cabin logging framewor

3,013 下載

logstash-filter-threats_classifier 1.0.4

Returns classification information for attacks from the empow classification center, ba...

2,981 下載

octocore-cassandra 0.0.6

Octocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...

2,644 下載

lita-elasticsearch-indexer 0.1.1

lita-elasticsearch-indexer is a lurker-bot that silently indexes all messages posted ...

2,591 下載

exes_poster 0.1.0

Exception post to Elasticsearch.

2,565 下載

octocore-mongo 0.0.6

Octocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...

2,558 下載

distribution_wrappers 0.2.2

Contains the logic for distributing messages through third-party APIs

2,514 下載

alb3rtobr-test 1.0.1


2,483 下載

elasticfusion 1.0.0

elasticsearch-rails extensions

2,444 下載

fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-dext 5.0.2

Elasticsearch output plugin for Fluent event collector with small modification from Dext

2,414 下載

總下載次數 153,726,992

這個版本 1,588,925



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
