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elasticsearch 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 elasticsearch

elasticsearch_hermes 0.0.8

I will fix this eventually

14,209 下載

elasticsearch-indexstager 1.1.3

manage Elasticsearch indexes using staging pattern

14,010 下載

wj-mongoid-elasticsearch 0.0.9

Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem

13,637 下載

embulk-output-elasticsearch_ruby 0.1.6

Dumps records to Elasticsearch Ruby. Elasticsearch 1.X AND 2.X AND 5.X compatible.

13,092 下載

kishu 1.0.4

This client helps you to prepare logs to be consumed for the pipeline as well as for cr...

12,628 下載

kishu 1.0.4

This client helps you to prepare logs to be consumed for the pipeline as well as for cr...

12,628 下載

cauchy 0.1.3

An elasticsearch schema management tool

12,596 下載

octocore 0.0.6

Octocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...

12,037 下載

elasticelmah 0.0.3

An appender for log4r that appends to elastic search

11,936 下載

polipus-elasticsearch 0.0.4

Add support for ElasticSearch in Polipus crawler

11,883 下載

elasticsearch-newrelic 0.2.0

Elasticsearch instrumentation for New Relic

11,505 下載

orchestrator 1.0.3

A building and Internet of Things automation system

10,918 下載

elasticsearch-embedded 0.1.2

Install an embedded version of elasticsearch into your project

10,695 下載

flood-capybara 0.0.4

Run your Capybara RSpec test cases on Flood IO

10,393 下載

clear_skies 0.5.4

A tool for exposing cloudwatch metrics for prometheus.

9,985 下載

elasticord 1.0.6

Elastic search client on top of elasticsearch gem

9,862 下載

elasticsearch-rails2 0.0.3

Rails 2.3 ActiveRecord integrations for Elasticsearch

9,851 下載

signalfx-elasticsearch-instrumentation 0.2.0

Fork of ruby-elasticsearch-tracer. OpenTracing instrumentation for Ruby Elasticsearch c...

9,824 下載

elasticsearch-documents 1.0.0

Define mappings to turn model instances into indexable search documents

9,565 下載

metricsspec 0.0.3

a tool for testing your server's metrics in elasticsearch

9,530 下載

skala 1.1.0

Ruby on Rails based full-stack framework to build discovery solutions for libraries.

9,433 下載

es_tractor 0.0.6

Minimal, simple, DRY DSL for searching Elasticsearch. Takes one shallow hash argument ...

9,273 下載

elastirad 0.0.3

A RAD (Rapid Application Development) Elasticsearch client

9,076 下載

delayed_job_es 0.2.1

Elastic Search backend for Delayed Job, only using the ES transport client and the Es-r...

8,906 下載

packageiq 0.1.3

Package Intelligence Gathering System

8,885 下載

elastic 0.3.2

Elasticsearch utilities

8,781 下載

nagios-herald 0.0.4

A project that aims to make it easy to provide context in Nagios alerts. The project ...

8,481 下載

hoss 0.2.0

Index your infrastructure with Elasticsearch.

7,986 下載

es_searchable 0.2.1

A small wrapper of elasticsearch search api

7,837 下載

eagle_search 0.3.0

Rails Model integration for Elasticsearch.

7,774 下載

總下載次數 153,313,644

這個版本 1,493,441



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
