RubyGems Navigation menu

dry-validation 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dry-validation

cyclone_lariat 1.0.0

Shoryuken middleware for LunaPark based application.

66,632 下載

pathway 0.12.0

Define your business logic in simple steps.

55,194 下載

api-blocks 0.10.0

Simple and consistent rails api extensions

54,858 下載

pinecone 1.0.1

Ruby client library which includes index and vector operations to upload embeddings int...

53,854 下載

opera 0.2.16

Use simple DSL language to keep your Operations clean and maintainable

49,060 下載

dhis2 3.3.1

Allows to retreive items from a DHIS2 server in a more "Ruby way".

48,003 下載

request_handler 3.0.0

shared base for request_handler using dry-* gems

44,054 下載

locabulary 0.8.1

An extraction of limited localized vocabulary for Sipity and CurateND.

39,960 下載

api_client_base 1.11.0

Abstractions to help author API wrappers in Ruby.

39,179 下載

interface-dsl 0.2.2

Make your Interfaces declarative!

37,895 下載

rb-net_http-client 1.6.0

A Simple Ruby HTTP Client built on top of the Ruby Net HTTP standard library.

33,691 下載

djin 0.11.7

djin is a make-like utility for docker containers

30,848 下載

reform_errors_objects 0.1.3

extends errors class with :objects method

30,711 下載

gate 1.0.0

Validate and coerce user input against defined structure.

28,584 下載

ezapi_client 1.2.1

Ruby wrapper for EZAPI

28,401 下載

aliquot 3.0.0

Validates Google Pay tokens

26,533 下載

pragma-contract 2.1.1

Form objects on steroids for your HTTP API.

25,891 下載

hucpa 0.2.5

JRuby wrapper to HikariCP - JDBC connection pool

25,532 下載

arbetsformedlingen 0.7.0

Arbetsförmedlingen API client (Swedish Public Employment Service). Post job ads, Platsa...

22,406 下載

sample_core_api 0.1.0

Sample Core API gem

22,300 下載

cequens 0.1.2

A library to interface with Cequens SMS gateway API.

22,079 下載

error_normalizer 0.3.0

Normalize dry-validation and ActiveModel errors to the universal format

21,855 下載

methodist 2.0.1

Methodist - a gem for Ruby on Rails created to stop chaos in your business logic. This ...

21,807 下載

blsk_ruby_core_api 0.1.8

Code Skeleton for blsk Service Core

21,048 下載

ciesta 0.4.1

Gem for creating and using form object

19,634 下載

fawry 1.4.0

A library to interface with Fawry's payment gateway API (charge, refund, payment status...

19,174 下載

neon_schemas 0.1.13

A gem containing schemas and encoding/decoding Avro classes

18,170 下載

sinatra-validation 0.3.2

"sinatra-validation is a gem to define parameter validation with dry-validation"

17,894 下載

fast_cqrs 0.2.0

Write CQRS applications easily using functional endpoints without a hassle.

17,883 下載

pedicel 1.2.0

Decryption of Apple Pay payment tokens

16,776 下載

總下載次數 61,749,537

這個版本 10,961,730



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
