RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-validation La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-validation

ef-config 1.4.1

Everfest fork of config gem

3.042 Descargas

sourced_config 0.4.0

Load configuration & locales for Rails apps from a remote or local non-repo source.

2.937 Descargas

dry-validation-rails 0.1.1

Rails plugin for implementing dry-validation gem for your Active Record Validations.

2.894 Descargas

edgycircle_toolbox 0.1.0

A loose collection of Ruby related code that currently has specific place to live in.

2.658 Descargas

nokotime-ruby-client 0.1.0

Ruby client for Noko API. #ruby #client #nokotime

2.630 Descargas

doctor_ai 1.0

Simple doctor bot

2.517 Descargas

synergy_wholesale 0.0.0

A wrapper around the synergy wholesale reseller API

2.488 Descargas

love_letter_application 0.1.0

Runs the application

2.371 Descargas

tangany 0.0.5

Tangany is a German provider for custody of digital assets and crypto. See https://tang...

2.289 Descargas

tana 0.9.0

A monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system.

2.215 Descargas

trixie 0.1.4

CLI tool to fetch secrets in development

2.199 Descargas

chronicle-core 0.3.2

Core libraries for Chronicle including models and schema definitions.

2.190 Descargas

otb_job_queue 0.1.0

Solution for the OTB Job Queue Challenge

2.140 Descargas

giact_verification 0.1.0

A wrapper for GIACT's Verification Services that cleans up their SOAP API

2.138 Descargas

moist-action 0.2.0

Better controller actions

2.136 Descargas

respon_core 0.1.1

core gem for respon

1.982 Descargas

swamp-operation 1.2.0

Operations for Swamp (or not)

1.856 Descargas

active_dry_form 1.0.0

Form validation for Rails with Dry-Validation

1.777 Descargas

roseflow-proxycurl 0.5.5

Proxycurl integration for Roseflow.

1.754 Descargas

test_hyrax 0.0.1.alpha

Hyrax is a featureful Hydra front-end based on the latest and greatest Hydra software c...

1.735 Descargas

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1.691 Descargas

kraftwerk 0.1.1

Framework for crafting JSON APIs with style

1.670 Descargas

dried_interaction 0.3.1

Just a simple, ready to use interactor implementation with built in validation of input...

1.649 Descargas

dryer_factories 0.2.0

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem can generate valid payloa...

1.204 Descargas

companies_house_input_gateway 0.0.6

Ruby wrapper for the Companies House Input XML Gateway

1.146 Descargas

auction_fun_core 0.8.10

Practical application of clean architecture in a real business idea using ruby.

936 Descargas

roseflow 0.1.0

Roseflow is a library for effortlessly building interactions with AI

923 Descargas

aws-secrets-manager 1.1.9

Support multiple plaintext and key-value aws secrets

844 Descargas

img_to_script-mk90_client_api 0.1.2

Provides an API between a client app and the img_to_script gem.

841 Descargas

ronin-app 0.1.0

ronin-app is a small web application that is meant to be ran locally by the user. It pr...

668 Descargas

Total de descargas 66.084.332

Para esta versión 13.360.380

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0
