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dry-types 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 dry-types

dryer_routes 0.6.1

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem allows for rails routes t...

3,108 下载

clear_logic 0.1.1

Clear result

2,768 下载

asset_mapper 1.0.1

A tightly scoped directory parser and json file generator.

2,767 下载

jsonapi-store 0.1.0

Data Store for implementing JSON API-compliant server in Ruby.

2,586 下载

forget-passwords 0.3.1

This little module (and attendant command line tool and rackup app) exists for the purp...

2,581 下载

protos 0.4.2

A UI component library built with phlex and daisyui

2,564 下载

light_service-validated_context 0.3.1

LightService plugin adding DSL for expected/promised keys validation

2,492 下载

ddb_ruby 0.0.8

Read DDB JSON in Ruby.

2,486 下载

namelab 0.1.0

Name generator

2,454 下载

stormwatch-workflows 0.1.3

Workflows for Stormwatch

2,431 下载

dry-types-tuple 0.1.4

The Tuple type implementation for Dry::Types.

2,425 下载

tensai-pddl 0.1.0

Ruby implementation and DSL for PDDL (Planning Domain Definition Language)

2,348 下载

love_letter_application 0.1.0

Runs the application

2,335 下载

bankroll 0.1.1

Mortgage and refinance calculations for ruby

2,306 下载

json-schema_dsl 1.0.0

A builder dsl to programatically build json-schemas that are co...

2,287 下载

dry-types-json-schema 0.0.5

Generate JSON Schema from dry-types

2,272 下载

danger_boss 0.1.0

A client for the alertmanager v1 API.

2,075 下载

params-registry 0.1.8

# `Params::Registry`: A registry for named parameters

2,055 下载

host_status 0.1.0

A generalized facade that aggregates metrics for a given host running a particular appl...

2,032 下载

apple_sign_in 0.1.0

Validate identity token claims, headers, and signatures.Exchange authorization codes fo...

2,013 下载

reattempt 0.1.0

Enumerable APIs for retries and exponential backoff with jitter

1,962 下载

iexcloud 0.0.0

Wrapper for the IEX Cloud API.

1,949 下载

module_pos-fiscalization 0.1.0

API wrapper for Module Bank POS

1,772 下载

cosing 0.3.2

COSING database

1,705 下载

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1,643 下载

musicz 0.0.1

A very basic wrapper around the nusicbrainz API

1,599 下载

carsensor 0.0.2.alpha.1

Ruby binding to Carsensor API(

1,542 下载

graphiti-rb 1.0.alpha.1

Easily build APIs

1,493 下载

autoapi_testing 0.1.9

Testing Description

1,403 下载

grafana_annotations 0.1.1

Utilities for creating grafana annotations from your ruby application.

1,363 下载

下载总量 111,957,713

这个版本 2,885,076



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
