RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-types La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-types

autoapi_testing 0.1.9

Testing Description

1.453 Descargas

grafana_annotations 0.1.1

Utilities for creating grafana annotations from your ruby application.

1.432 Descargas

similarweb_rapidapi 0.1.3

Integrating with the SimilarWeb API becomes fast and convenient, enabling Ruby programm...

1.390 Descargas

infisical-sdk 2.3.7

The official Infisical Ruby SDK.

1.246 Descargas

polygonio-ruby 0.3.0

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

1.205 Descargas

dryer_factories 0.2.0

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem can generate valid payloa...

1.204 Descargas

bitwarden-sdk-secrets 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for Bitwarden secrets manager SDK.

1.141 Descargas

mermaid 0.0.1

Generate Diagrams and Flowcharts with Mermaid

962 Descargas

verifykit 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for VerifyKit REST API. VerifyKit is a service that offers alternative ch...

952 Descargas

rom_encrypted_attribute 0.0.3

Encrypted attributes for ROM

923 Descargas

mitwelt 0.1.0

Mitwelt provides a wrapper around ENV to easily ensure and parse environment

905 Descargas

drymm 0.2.1

Drymm maps entities from Dry::Logic & Dry::Types into structs for a serialization purpose.

889 Descargas

deskbot 0.1.0

Ruby desktop automation

784 Descargas

api-response-presenter 0.0.2

Gem for presenting API responses from Faraday and RestClient.

614 Descargas

openai-cli 0.1.0

Command line tool to interact with OpenAI APIs. Aims to be ergonomic and rely on GNU to...

581 Descargas

dry-openapi-cli 0.0.0

Generate dry-schema or/and dry-validation classes from OpenAPI 3 specification

564 Descargas

artisanal-model 0.2.1

A light attributes wrapper for dry-initializer. Forked from "

555 Descargas

etl-integrations 0.1.86

Etl Integrations is a comprehensive Ruby gem designed to facilitate seamless connectivi...

536 Descargas

quarantini 0.1.0

A set of tools to remove tests from circulation

469 Descargas

trulia_rapidapi 0.1.0

RUBY gateway to harness real estate data from Trulia via RapidAPI, unlocking the potent...

447 Descargas

postman_api 1.0.0

The Postman API enables you to programmatically access data stored in your Postman acco...

377 Descargas

inhouse-tailor 0.1.0

Tailor your utility based css styles into your components

364 Descargas

kickplan-sdk 0.1.0

Kickplan lets you monetize your SaaS app by providing billing, feature access and autho...

346 Descargas

sigt 0.0.1

Signature Types

270 Descargas

dry-types-fear 0.1.0

The gems enables you to use Fear::Option as optional type for Dry::Types

260 Descargas

rider-kick 0.0.1

An attempt at building a reusable Clean Architecture framework for Ruby.

249 Descargas

rom-encrypted_attribute 0.0.3

Encrypted attributes for ROM

122 Descargas

Total de descargas 120.897.861

Para esta versión 5.134.496

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
