RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-types La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-types

pdf-rendering-srv-ruby 0.1.3

Simple Ruby wrapper for seding requests to pdf-rendering-srv.

9.022 Descargas


TDLib schema for tdlib-ruby gem

8.650 Descargas

kitchen-pulumi 0.2.0

Kitchen-Pulumi makes it easy to add integration tests to Pulumi-based infrastructure pr...

8.123 Descargas

dry-interface 1.0.4


7.933 Descargas

piper-rb 0.4.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7.899 Descargas

dry-facts 0.4.0

EventSourcing toolkit, based on dry-rb.

7.428 Descargas

k8s-ruby2 2.0.13

Kubernetes client library for Ruby

7.407 Descargas

polygonio 0.2.4

Client library for's REST and Websocket API's. Polygon IO is an API for mark...

7.342 Descargas

gem_test_jaan 0.0.8

A simple hello world gem

6.987 Descargas

halumi 0.2.4

Use query objects as flexible building blocks

6.646 Descargas

beeswaxapi 0.0.10

Simple ruby client to work with beeswax buzz api

6.528 Descargas

cortex 0.1.3

An API-driven multitenant identity, custom content distribution/management and reportin...

6.455 Descargas

payable-api 0.1.2

A simple API client for

6.092 Descargas

rspec-dry-types 0.1.3

Dry::Types for RSpec

5.654 Descargas

lingutest_client 0.2.6 API ruby client

5.458 Descargas

click_up-client 0.2.0

ClickUp API Client

5.120 Descargas

spy_alley_application 0.3.2

Runs the Spy Alley Application

5.023 Descargas

keycloak_rack 1.1.1

Rack middleware for validating authorization tokens from Keycloak

4.903 Descargas

atoyrobot 0.1.1

The application is a simulation of a toy robot movingon a square tabletop, of dimension...

4.291 Descargas

boxbot 0.1.1

BoxBot aims to generate an SVG or PDF template that is meant to be used with a laser cu...

4.220 Descargas

pelita 0.2.0

Pelita is a configurable glue microframework for building API in ruby that focus in sim...

4.102 Descargas

lib_discord 0.1.3

Unfancy Discord API Ruby-bindings

4.039 Descargas

sorta-reaper 0.1.4

Allow to parse and generate .rpp files from Reaper DAW

3.844 Descargas

dry-ability 0.0.3

Dried authorization solution for Rails. All permissions are stored in a single location.

3.844 Descargas

custom_elements_manifest_parser 0.2.9

A parser to easily iterate through a custom-elements.json file

3.831 Descargas

freefeed-client 1.1.0

Ruby wrapper for FreeFeed API.

3.636 Descargas

protos 0.6.0

A UI component library built with phlex and daisyui

3.630 Descargas

carb-types 1.0.0

Custom dry-types to ensure type safety

3.607 Descargas

sipo_mailer 0.0.2

Command-line aplikace na odesílání souborů jako příloh na email dle CSV adresáře.

3.579 Descargas

telegraph_api_ruby 1.0.1

Fully working http client for supporting DomToNode processing

3.541 Descargas

Total de descargas 120.894.674

Para esta versión 5.133.652

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
