RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-configurable La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-configurable

dry-mutations 1.6.0

Mutations gem interface implemented with `dry-rb`’s validation schemas.

111.588 Descargas

api_struct 1.0.5

API wrapper builder with response serialization

107.805 Descargas

hanami-events-cloud_pubsub 3.3.0

Makes it easy to use Cloud Pub/Sub with Hanami

106.101 Descargas

queue_classic_plus 1.1.0

Useful extras for Queue Classic

103.993 Descargas

netbox-client-ruby 0.10.0

A read/write client for Netbox v2.

84.621 Descargas

rom-http 0.10.0

HTTP support for ROM

79.457 Descargas

warden-cognito 1.0.0

[Unofficial] Authentication Strategy for Warden to allow Amazon Cognito user sign in an...

78.882 Descargas

pheromone 0.5.1

Sends messages to kafka using different formats and strategies

74.789 Descargas

api-blueprint 0.16.0

A faster, leaner, and simpler successor to ApiModel. Makes returning objects from api c...

73.611 Descargas

metka 2.3.4

Rails tagging system based on PostgreSQL arrays

64.551 Descargas

inferno_core 0.4.39

Inferno Core is an open source tool for testing data exchanges enabled by the FHIR stan...

60.504 Descargas

panda_doc 0.7.0

Ruby wrapper for API

56.673 Descargas

api-blocks 0.10.0

Simple and consistent rails api extensions

54.945 Descargas

belated 0.9.0

A simple Ruby backend job framework without Redis or PostgreSQL dependency. Used to be ...

48.324 Descargas

formalist 0.9.0

Flexible form builder

45.072 Descargas

tdlib-ruby 3.0.2

Ruby bindings and client for TDlib

43.551 Descargas

dry-data 0.5.1

Simple type-system for Ruby

42.058 Descargas

credit_card_finder 0.2.1

Find credit card information by BIN/IIN

40.910 Descargas

locabulary 0.8.1

An extraction of limited localized vocabulary for Sipity and CurateND.

40.031 Descargas

messaging 3.8.2

A library for decoupling applications by using messaging to communicate between compone...

38.722 Descargas

interface-dsl 0.2.2

Make your Interfaces declarative!

37.930 Descargas

openapi_rspec 0.6.0

Test your API against OpenApi v3 documentation

37.255 Descargas

strum-logs 1.0.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

36.477 Descargas

multi_password 0.2.1

Provide a generic interface that allows application to easily switch password algorithm

36.418 Descargas

pg_objects 1.2.1

Simple manager for PostgreSQL objects like triggers and functions

35.908 Descargas

lucid-shopify 0.65.0

Shopify client library

35.903 Descargas

zoho_sign 0.2.1

Ruby gem to allow easy interaction with Zoho Sign API (v1).

35.852 Descargas

fortnox-api 0.9.0

This gem uses the HTTParty library to abstract away the REST calls. It gives you access...

34.909 Descargas

arli 1.4.0

This is an Arduino helper toolkit that builds on top of the arduino-cmake project — a...

33.836 Descargas

voom-presenters 2.1.2

Presenters Gem.

33.034 Descargas

Total de descargas 110.110.981

Para esta versión 5.895.700



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0
