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Dépendances inversées pour diffy Latest version of the following gems require diffy


A tool for end-to-end testing of Asciidoctor backends based on comparing of textual out...

50 451 Téléchargements

simplygenius-atmos 0.14.0

Atmos provides a terraform scaffold for creating cloud system architectures

50 148 Téléchargements

drafter 0.3.2


48 600 Téléchargements

clintegracon 0.9.0

CLIntegracon allows you to build Integration specs for your CLI,independent if they are...

47 069 Téléchargements

lambchop 0.1.4

It is a tool that invoke AWS Lambda function from the local machine as a normally script.

44 148 Téléchargements

yamldiff 0.0.9

Shows the difference yaml keys

42 874 Téléchargements

cronicle 0.2.5

It is a tool for execute script, and define cron on remote hosts.

41 417 Téléchargements

kuroko2 0.8.0

Kuroko2 is a web-based job scheduler/workflow manager created at Cookpad Inc.

40 675 Téléchargements

rubocop-gradual 0.3.6

Gradually improve your code with RuboCop.

40 620 Téléchargements

cfdef 0.1.8

Cfdef is a tool to manage CloudFront.

40 139 Téléchargements

pry-moves 1.0.12

Advanced debugger for ruby with natural `next` across blocks, debug of dynamic calls, s...

38 539 Téléchargements

consul-template-generator 0.3.6

When using complex consul-template templates or distributing them across many hosts, yo...

37 963 Téléchargements

lbrt 0.2.1

A tool to manage Librato. It defines the state of Librato using DSL, and updates Librat...

37 955 Téléchargements

cf_deployer 1.6.0

For automatic blue green deployment flow on CloudFormation.

37 813 Téléchargements

interferon 0.2.5

: Store metrics alerts in code!

36 869 Téléchargements

barkdog 0.1.9

Barkdog is a tool to manage Datadog monitors.

36 429 Téléchargements

cloudkeeper 2.0.0

Synchronize cloud appliances between AppDB and cloud platforms

35 634 Téléchargements

copernicium 0.3

A simple distributed version control system written in Ruby.

32 203 Téléchargements

method_log 0.2.1

Trace the history of an individual method in a git repository.

31 250 Téléchargements

pipe_fitter 0.2.8

PipeFitter is a tool for AWS Data Pipeline.

29 987 Téléchargements

gh-diff 0.0.11

Take diffs between local and a github repository files.

29 816 Téléchargements

constancy 0.5.0

Syncs content from the filesystem to the Consul KV store.

29 596 Téléchargements

stash-wrapper 0.1.12

A gem for working with the Stash wrapper XML format

29 352 Téléchargements

rubocopfmt 0.1.0.beta20

Easy formatting of Ruby code using RuboCop

28 892 Téléchargements

dyna 0.2.3

Manager DynamoDB table by DSL

28 252 Téléchargements

cardtapp-cloudformation-ruby-dsl 0.0.1.pre.3

Ruby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.

28 079 Téléchargements

tagfish 1.1.8

Retrieve repository tags, update dockerfiles, and more!

28 065 Téléchargements

rake-distribute 1.5.1

Generate rake distribute:install, uninstall, and diff tasks to distribute items (files,...

27 852 Téléchargements

secretary-rails 2.0.1

A Rails engine that provides simple versioning for your records.

27 727 Téléchargements

mappru 0.1.8

Mappru is a tool to manage VPC Route Table.

26 762 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 67 572 247

Pour cette version 25 177 592

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
