delorean 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 delorean
millstone 0.0.3
ActiveRecord plugin which allows you to hide without actually deleting them for Rails3....
7,663 下載
ruby_fints 0.0.4
FinTS (formerly known as HBCI) is a protocol to programmatically interface with German ...
7,617 下載
faqmarkdown 0.0.2
A simple Rails FAQ engine powered by markdown.
7,233 下載
stderr_logger 0.0.2
Simple logger that add info debug and error to Object and always output to STDERR
6,920 下載
johnf-fnordmetric 1.2.10
FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids
6,834 下載
pebbles-tokyu_ruby_kaigi 0.0.2
Find target day of TokyuRubyKaigi
5,887 下載
active_record_snapshot 0.0.1
For data records that only need to be partially updated, this provides versioning for d...
5,180 下載
nagoriyuki 0.0.2
Distributed id generator
5,016 下載
bp-fnordmetric 1.2.7
FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids
4,612 下載
imap_tickler 0.0.1
imap_tickler is a utility that ticklers your 43 folders style mailfolders. It expects t...
4,541 下載
progress-logger 1.0.0
Simple gem for regular progress logging in a long-running loop, log every N actions, or...
4,533 下載
flurry_harvest 0.1.3
Used to fetch and communcate with Flurry service
4,439 下載
muon 0.0.2
Distributed time tracking tool
4,258 下載
uv-priority-queue 1.0.0
Asynchronous Priority Queue for use with Libuv
3,734 下載
lifespan 0.1.0
provides filtering of data at the start_at and end_at
3,224 下載