Dependencias inversas para delorean La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren delorean
millstone 0.0.3
ActiveRecord plugin which allows you to hide without actually deleting them for Rails3....
7.663 Descargas
ruby_fints 0.0.4
FinTS (formerly known as HBCI) is a protocol to programmatically interface with German ...
7.617 Descargas
faqmarkdown 0.0.2
A simple Rails FAQ engine powered by markdown.
7.233 Descargas
stderr_logger 0.0.2
Simple logger that add info debug and error to Object and always output to STDERR
6.920 Descargas
johnf-fnordmetric 1.2.10
FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids
6.834 Descargas
pebbles-tokyu_ruby_kaigi 0.0.2
Find target day of TokyuRubyKaigi
5.887 Descargas
active_record_snapshot 0.0.1
For data records that only need to be partially updated, this provides versioning for d...
5.180 Descargas
nagoriyuki 0.0.2
Distributed id generator
5.016 Descargas
bp-fnordmetric 1.2.7
FnordMetric is a Ruby Event-Tracking gem on steroids
4.612 Descargas
imap_tickler 0.0.1
imap_tickler is a utility that ticklers your 43 folders style mailfolders. It expects t...
4.541 Descargas
progress-logger 1.0.0
Simple gem for regular progress logging in a long-running loop, log every N actions, or...
4.533 Descargas
flurry_harvest 0.1.3
Used to fetch and communcate with Flurry service
4.439 Descargas
muon 0.0.2
Distributed time tracking tool
4.258 Descargas
uv-priority-queue 1.0.0
Asynchronous Priority Queue for use with Libuv
3.734 Descargas
lifespan 0.1.0
provides filtering of data at the start_at and end_at
3.224 Descargas