RubyGems Navigation menu

debug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 debug

log_sinks 0.2.0

Powerful and extensible logging library

1,748 下載

bridgetown_credentials 1.0.0

Credentials like passwords, access tokens and other secrets are often passed to sites e...

1,740 下載

intake-gcp 0.1.2

GCP sink for intake

1,714 下載

minitest-substitute 1.0.0

Simple Minitest helper to replace values such as an instance variable of an object or a...

1,687 下載

byebug_to_debugger 0.1.0

A `byebug` to `debugger` alias

1,679 下載

rails-openapi 1.0.0

Creates rails engines from OpenAPI specification files

1,577 下載

dryer_services 2.0.1

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem provides a base service c...

1,521 下載

swifter_enum 0.9.6

Simple enum for active record that takes inspiration from Swift's enums to allow you to...

1,495 下載

law_doc 0.1.15

A set of classes for legal document elements such as Document, Case, Lawyer, Party, Cou...

1,479 下載

ydl 0.2.06

Ydl provides a way to supply a ruby app with initialized objects by allowing the user t...

1,466 下載

dry-credentials 0.2.1

Manage and deploy secrets (access keys, API tokens etc) in encrypted files which can sa...

1,461 下載

brevo-rails 1.1.0

Send transactional email with Brevo

1,424 下載

ollama-ruby 0.6.0

Library that allows interacting with the Ollama API

1,423 下載

minitest-flash 0.1.0

Simple Minitest reporter to indicate the result of test runs. After every test run, the...

1,411 下載

lifer 0.2.0

Minimal static weblog generator. Good RSS feeds.

1,407 下載

karaden-prg-ruby 1.2.0

Ruby library for the Karaden API.

1,371 下載

peach-ruby 0.5.1

Ruby library for Peach API

1,360 下載

litter 0.1.0

Parses a log of collected litter. For avid trash-picker-uppers.

1,342 下載

open_hash 0.2.1

a data structure, similar to a Hash, that allows you to use dot notation to access and ...

1,314 下載

rack-dedos 0.2.0

Somewhat more radical filters designed to decimate malicious requests during a denial-o...

1,299 下載

action_factory 0.1.3

Your factories are now classes.

1,292 下載

flexipass 0.1.9

A Ruby gem allows you to easily interact with Flexipass APIs

1,273 下載

sidekiq_status_monitor 1.3.0

SidekiqStatusMonitor offers a solution to add HTTP server for the sidekiq instance. Ca...

1,266 下載

browserless 1.0.2

This gem provides a simple interface for interacting with the Browserless PDF API. It h...

1,235 下載

dryer_factories 0.2.0

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem can generate valid payloa...

1,204 下載

rack-cors-csrf_prevention 0.2.1

The middleware makes sure any request to specified paths would have been preflighted if...

1,191 下載

rush_job_mongoid 1.2.0

Rails web interface for delayed_job using Rails::Engine and MongoDB

1,110 下載

momblish 0.2.2

Generate nonsense words in any language by corpus analysis

1,095 下載

morris 0.1.3

The Thing

1,077 下載

phlexy_ui 0.1.11

PhlexyUI is a Ruby UI component library for DaisyUI using Phlex

1,009 下載

總下載次數 39,654,027

這個版本 7,965,381



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
